Building single-plant growbox, I want your opinions!


Well-Known Member
fractus- did you ever go look at other cfl grows on this site?? a majority of those who grow with them can place them extremely close to the plants with no ill effects. therefore allowing the plant to have a very tight node structure with lil to no stretching. that is why your is looking so bushy. closer light source really makes these plants short fat and happy.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I knew that actually, but mine just seems abnormally short to be that wide, it hasn't gotten much taller at all in a long time it just keeps growing out. I mean it's only 4-1/2 inches tall right now lol, and 8" diameter, you can't see the stem through the leaves, if you push leaves out of the way, you just see a bunch more little leaves lol. I'm not worried, I don't think anything is wrong, it just seems really short/wide/bushy to me. Then again it is the first marijuana plant I have ever grown, so it's all new to me. "She" seems happy though I'm just gonna keep doing what I'm doing :P


Well-Known Member
Fractus, since you need a girl...

Remember, light leaks, ph fluctuation, improper ph, poor airflow, heat, low humidity, all of these things can stress a plant. And a stressed plant, is likely to be a male plant.

So, I would really advise you to get a ph meter for your soil AND nutrient solution before feeding.

The soil should be at 6.3-6.5, and so should your water and nutrient solution.

It seems like the humidity and temps are under control, thus I imagine the airflow is adequate.

Make sure the ph is on point.


Active Member
given the short height of your container im giving props as to how short and bushy your plant is so it can squeeze all of the bud out it can


Well-Known Member
Fractus, since you need a girl...

Remember, light leaks, ph fluctuation, improper ph, poor airflow, heat, low humidity, all of these things can stress a plant. And a stressed plant, is likely to be a male plant.

So, I would really advise you to get a ph meter for your soil AND nutrient solution before feeding.

The soil should be at 6.3-6.5, and so should your water and nutrient solution.

It seems like the humidity and temps are under control, thus I imagine the airflow is adequate.

Make sure the ph is on point.
jesse im pretty sure the sex is determined way before the plant is growing. the day its dropped or taken from its mother, it has a sex. so lights leaks and other stressor right now wont be a factor. that is if it is female then all those things would be a factor cause that could cause a hermie. and its possible that this seed is already a hermie if its bagseed, unless someone knew they were pollinating a female and were still going to sell it.


Well-Known Member
jesse im pretty sure the sex is determined way before the plant is growing. the day its dropped or taken from its mother, it has a sex. so lights leaks and other stressor right now wont be a factor. that is if it is female then all those things would be a factor cause that could cause a hermie. and its possible that this seed is already a hermie if its bagseed, unless someone knew they were pollinating a female and were still going to sell it.
I can only go with what I know...

I would have to see some science to swallow this argument...

Its possible I suppose. I certainly don't claim to know everything, by any stretch...

I have been told by people who know far more than me that sex can be effected by stress.


Well-Known Member
First hand experience, light can effect it i had 3 months of Christmas grow go down the drain due to a light leak.2 hermies :cry:
I have had hermies late in flower as well from lights leaks.

But I would argue that while a female seed may not morph into a male one, it can, based on environment and stress, turn into a "male." By this I mean a hermie from EARLY flower on, IE it will produce nothing worthwhile, as its energy will be used growing seeds, not big sticky buds to catch pollen.

This is different than a plant shooting off bananas in late flower. I have had this happen and still got great smoke from it, because it happened late in flower and the plant had already had a chance to produce the buds/resin.


Well-Known Member
It's been a few days, I figured people who are curious about my box could use a grow update.

I haven't changed anything about my setup in the past 90 hours since my last pictures. Remember what it looked like then:

And this is what it looks like now:

(Sorry about the lighting on that one, the lights are so bright that my phone/camera adjusted and made it all look dark)

Very bushy and full through the sides. A lot of the leaves aren't even growing flat out because there isn't enough room, all the leaves push each other. I can't see in there to count the nodes but the top leaves are still coming in sets of two, each have 9 blades now. I was told that depending on the strain, the plant can be mature and still do this, and not alternate sides. I want to flower it soon because I'm afraid of how big it will get over its whole flower stage. What do you think? How long should I wait from now until flowering, keeping in mind the space I have to work with? When I do the lights are going higher to the roof of the box as well.


Well-Known Member
I would flower now... depending on strain she may double or even triple in size... though she looks very Indicaish.. so prolly double...

Looks healthy though... good job!:clap:


Well-Known Member
Thanks man! I'll probably raise my lights up and switch over to 12/12 tomorrow. I'll keep ya posted.


Well-Known Member
I agree. Its going to get way bushy too so flower that girl (hopefully!)

She looks good man! Veru healthy. I would agree with Gypsy that it is very likely indica.


Well-Known Member
Tonight is my plant's first 12/12 day. I'm gonna keep a close eye on it and hope it doesn't grow balls :D


Well-Known Member
good job man id flower now too. maybe switch to 2700k but 12/12 should be enough. i hope its a girl too, i guess well see in about a week or so if it has balls or hairs


Well-Known Member
I'm already running 2 x 2700K's and 2 x 6500K's ever since I transplanted. I do have 2 extra 2700K's with mounts just laying here though so maybe tossing that in will help "her".