Bulletproof Glass Collection

Munk Dog

So, I just scrolled through the 45 pages of your work and im definately interested. You going to be making any more bubblers any time soon?

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I worked on the bubbler allllllll yesterday shits hard. Getting the seals right... I finally got the base done and the fuckin mouthpiece shattered.. gotta remake that.
Awhh I'm sorry dude :( :( Your making me feel bad :lol: :peace:

Yeah. I like making bubblers..
here's your base I got made so far. What's your opinion?
Base looks sweet, seems like it would fit in the hand well... is it flat on the bottom or round?

the downstem looks short but i'm wondering if your putting that in there just to show it? Downstem would be awesome to have some color

The blue color at the bottom looks really sweet, you did the scheme great.... more color like that anywhere (downstem/dome etc) would be awesome.... use a lot of light blue/dark blue combos if you can that would looks sweet :D

Coming along fine sir your doing a great job


Glassblowing Moderator
vERDE- that is not the downstem yours will have. just to show. im working the downstem. gonna be clear - worked - clear slits. only way i can hace diffuser slits in my work atm.. dome is same color as base spiral. already got that made. just need to rework the mouthpiece and attatch it. anything you want added to the base? i was gonna throw some marbles on there but didnt know if i should since it a travel piece. that is a flattened bubble base. wanted it to fit into a cup holder. not sure if it does yet.. DONT feel bad. thats what glassblowings about, pushing your limits and learning from burns and cuts.

KMK - did you want the rasta colored disc on the pocket piece? or fire n ice? or greens n oranges? should be able to make it after the mouthpiece on the bubb while its heating up tonight.

SAM - i pmd you

and yes i found a little bit of dichro that is dark blue background like the pics you sent. ill get back to this momentarily. my list is growing strong..


Glassblowing Moderator
I made a rolli the other day ...looked decent. Those little arms n legs he got are hard to do n not have em sketchy. Someones gonna win a pimp riu errrrrl set


Active Member
Gotta ask, why errrl? I've never heard of or seen that before. Is it a Michigan thaaaang?

Also, you fuck around with inline bubblers. Something kinda like this.



Active Member
Kind of hard to tell from that angle but it has two sets of diffusers. The main inline then after the blue bubble it goes down with another diffuser. So whatcha think??


Active Member
I know its oil just WHY errrrrl is the question. It just doesn't make snse to me is all. But yea man, that would be pretty bad ass. Clear in the same areas and maybe white in the colored parts.


Active Member
Haha. Hella true. I kept saying that shit in my head. "Errrrrrrrrrl". Three simple letters. So fucking captivating. Hit me up on the bubbler mang!


Well-Known Member
Oil is errrrrl because you have to say it like your saying the name "Earl" and really hold the r's long. :)

And if you also want extra credit for trivia, whenever you see millis that have 7:10 on them instead of 4:20, thats because upside-down 7:10 spells OIL. ;-)