Bulletproof Glass Collection


Well-Known Member
Dank, I def want that blue/white shot glass. Can we do a package deal on a Black/white one as well?
Again, wig wag the hell out of it and can you make the whole thing in black/white wig wag? Same size and shape, just all wig wag. Should look bad ass.
Hit me up with a package deal price!


Glassblowing Moderator
It's gonna be a pricey shot glass so you know. So you want two b&w And a blue/white. The one I already made is now 50.00 at bakers paradise. They bought it.


Well-Known Member
Oh damn...didn't realize you sold the other one.

How much for a shotty just like the one you made, but in black/white.
That thing was sweet


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha..I must've. You said you made a blue/white one and then posted pics of the wig/wag shot glass. I just assumed you used a dark blue.
So the one pictured is BLACK/white?
Just like that one.

LOL, I just went back and read your post again. That one IS mine, correct? How much do I owe you bro. Sorry about all the confusion.


Glassblowing Moderator
I'm here. Just been busy with the shop. We had an employee get fired and I've been running the glass shop and the hydro shops. We build a custom hydro system that no one else makes and had to fire the kid that helps make them. So I've had to make glass and 1500$ hydro systems. They are a lot of work. Haven't had the time to update. Get your shotty?

When i get the rubber grommet for the blunts I'll post it. I've been getting orders for them lately.


Glassblowing Moderator
I'm working on a chaos Sherlock right now. First time I've been home on a Sunday to make it. I'll post a hot pic. Wags, honey combs, Millie, thumbprints, fume, spirals, even a dichro for ya.



Well-Known Member
Yeah man, my shotty is the shit. Fast shipping too!
Lemme know when you get the Blunt grommets. I'm thinking black/white wig wag again, but with a lime green in the wig wag as well. Sounds cool to me anyway. lol