Burned Leafs in Flowering


Active Member
Hello people, got a prob with a plant, a few sets of fan leafs are getting burned?! or some kind or deficiency/over fert. But need help sorting out what exactly is the problem. Have a look at the pic.

ps: 2nd week in flowering, 400w MH


Doobie Doo

Well-Known Member
Sounds like a deficiency, canabis are a hungry plant. Give her more nutes gradually increasing the strength. How about a pic of the whole plant.


Active Member
can deficiencies burn leafs like that? :o The problem starts from the bottom fan leafs and going upwards.

Will post pic of the plant later on. Many thx for the replies :)


Active Member
k heres the picture, as you can see the lower leafs have the problem and its moving slowly upwards. Top part of the plant is intact.



Well-Known Member
that plant is in fine health only showing the slightest signs of problem....

Replant your girl fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Well-Known Member
Yes. Maybe it is the perspective of the picture, but your plant looks about 2 - 2 1/2 feet high. If this is the case, you should be in about a 2 gallon container.

Second, that sure looks like MG soil, or something like it. If you upgrade your soil to Fox Farms when you replant, your plant will love you for it and you will pick up the trace elements which your plant needs in good organic soil. I recommend more perlite also. I use use at least 1/3.
