Burning on leaves, nute burn?


Active Member
I Have 4 plants, all are showing signs of burning on the leaves, has been like this 4-5 weeks, i am using miracle grow soil and i am giving them water every 3 days aprox 2Lt each, im using Plagron alga-grow 2ml per Lt, all plants are in veg and on 18/6

any suggestions on what to do next?


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Well-Known Member
I've never heard of your nutes
A lot of people like Miracle Gro
I not one of them. Next grow
look for another growing medium
if I was you~


Active Member
I've never heard of your nutes
A lot of people like Miracle Gro
I not one of them. Next grow
look for another growing medium
if I was you~
this is my friends grow up. he just had a few problems so i decided to post up here for reference,
i have used Plagron Grow nutes myself and never had a problem with them, maybe it was just fed too much nutes causing burning, he has this problem a while now,
i did grow with Miracle Grow a few years ago, it had the built in fertilizers and it didnt like the plants one bit, i am not the greatest fan of it myself.

il post back during the week, and see if the flushing will do the trick


Active Member
sackm the Plagron, and as the man said flush flush flush, it may be nute burn but it looks like a really bad magnesium deficiency, check the soil ph coz if its too ow lock out will occour.


Well-Known Member
def nute burn. mag deficiency would be more yellow and the leaf would not be dried out or crispy. looks like an overload of nitrogen.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Nog is right. Mg deficiency. Check the pH, but if you are in soil, it would have to be WAY out of whack, like above 7.5 or below 6 to matter. Try Cal/Mag. Thats what I did to save this girl, the lone survivor of my first grow. I've used a Cal/Mag supplement ever since and have not had the problem again. I start with Cal/Mag about the second week of flower. Thats when the problems seem to start for me. My flowering nutes lacked Mg as it turned out.


Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Also, this chart MAY help out. I hope so anyway. You can see how much more critical pH is in Hydro than it is in soil.



Well-Known Member
It's the miracle grow, nice product but still has a tendency to overfeed...dilute it.


Well-Known Member
you have K deficiencyView attachment 1776243

and N deficiency early stage; lime green plant with lower leaves yellowing and dieing, yellowing climbs up the plantView attachment 1776244

it should be more dark like thisnitrogen healthy plant july 19, 2011 @90 days, 3'2'' tall.jpg

pic 6 has a leaf with np and k deficiency,
you can see that its P deficiency in pic because of the downwards curling and the dieing of plant tissue mid leaf area.

i see your Plagron alga-grow has an npk of 4-6-8!!! keep that, its very very good npk ratio you can use it for the whole grow and you'll get big dense nugs(cuz the npk ratio). feed 2x the recommendation every other watering. that will make an npk of 8-12-16 which is what is called "half strength". plant grow fastest at half strength than anything else.