Burning Stem, Dying Leaves


So i'm about a little less than a week into flowering with my FIRST plant and it's beginning to burn and die a little on the bottom of the plant. I've had 1 small little fan leaf die and another small fan leaf with 3 leafs on it die along with it. The bigger and older leafs are darker and feel more crisp than the newer leaves and are curling on the edges. I feel that this might be due to the soil I have it in, I have it in miracle grow and have had this problem come up ever since i transplanted into a pot. Maybe a little heat stress as well due to the crazy heat wave in california at the moment. Here are some pictures.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'de like to keep this plant alive.


Well-Known Member
Could be heat or over watering. Doesn't look nutrient related to me.

keep an eye on it.

What is you humidity?


Well-Known Member
I'm struggling to see what the problem is exactly in the photo. I am a bit stoned of course but still. The base of the stem is a bit discoloured, but unless it's some fungus, that isn't a problem I've seen before. The rest of the plant looks ok. Slightly strange colouring in new growth, but the photo isn't too clear on those. Best bet is not to panic and change anything major, but keep an eye on it and post other symptoms as/when you see them...

Oh, and the curled edges are usually heat or watering related...how hot is it?


Well-Known Member
As we have both now stated. Just keep an eye on it for now. check the temps. keep them around 78-82(perfect indoor temp IMO)


I'm struggling to see what the problem is exactly in the photo. I am a bit stoned of course but still. The base of the stem is a bit discoloured, but unless it's some fungus, that isn't a problem I've seen before. The rest of the plant looks ok. Slightly strange colouring in new growth, but the photo isn't too clear on those. Best bet is not to panic and change anything major, but keep an eye on it and post other symptoms as/when you see them...

Oh, and the curled edges are usually heat or watering related...how hot is it?
As we have both now stated. Just keep an eye on it for now. check the temps. keep them around 78-82(perfect indoor temp IMO)
I've been monitoring it throughout the day today and have noticed that the humidity stays within 40-50 like i said but the tempurature is getting up to 90 degrees, so this might be happening due to the tempurature like you guys have said. Is there any methods to help reduce the temurature were I am growing? I'm growing inside my closet in 2 stealth double stacked rubbermade bins. I have 2 fans bringing in air and expelling it through a carbon filter already but I guess thats not cutting it for cooling.


Well-Known Member
Add a fan blowing directly on the bulb(s). it will reduce the temps within the canopy.


Well-Known Member
What lights are you using? Looks like CFL? I solved all my heat problems by buying an aerotube for my HPS and running my carbon filtered grow-tent air through it and out back into the main room. Not sure how you'd do that with CFL...if that's what you're using though...