Burnt Leafs... Will they make IT?

Hey. This is my first grow. I have 2 plants that leaves are slighty burnt. The lights had fell on them awhile back. They are growing below average rate due to low lighting. I am 2 months in and they are about knee high. I just upraded to using 1 105W Full Spec CLF 6500K (7200 LUX), 4 23W CFL's (approx 5000 LUX) for side lighting, since my leafs near the bottom were dying off. 1 5000K 85W CFL (5500 LUX). My grow space is approx 3X2.5 sq.ft. SO...., Whats next for me to do? Are my plants going to reach full growth? I add nutes 2x a week, fertile once a week. What do I from here to save them? those whose need to seevpics to give better advice, plz comment and I will get back to you.:weed:


Well-Known Member
If the plant is knee height then i would flower it has soon has possible.The lights that you are useing are not the best for cannabis growing all though through the vegging and seedling cloneing the lights you are useing are fine.But get into a habbit of flowering alot smaller sometimes smaller is more when useing this kind of lighting.If the leaves are bad burnt then i would cut back with a sharp pair of scissors to the greenage.Make sure that the lights are sorted so that this won't happen again or you may not be so fast to get to the plants and you could end up with a fire on your hands.I always have a back up support even on my flouresent tubes just in case.


Active Member
more pics would help...

but seems like that the light fell over the plant it burned it .
my first plant , a cfl fell over it just for like 5 secs and it burned the leaves .
it didnt hurt the plant tho .