Bush In Fight Against GW


New Member
Just been watching the news and it was on about George and his new(?) stance on Global Warming.

Apparently he wants to set up some type of commitee consisting of the worst offenders in terms of Co2 emissions, inc. India and China.

There was some speculation in our press that Bush may be doing this only ion an effort to gain supporters, and it got me to thinking... why do we always have to assume someone has an angle for themselves? For example, when you or I say that we want to help the Earth, are we not sincere? If we were in Bush's shoes with our own minds, would we be sincere then?

Fact is, if Bush is serious, then he should have all the support he needs.


New Member
Just been watching the news and it was on about George and his new(?) stance on Global Warming.

Apparently he wants to set up some type of commitee consisting of the worst offenders in terms of Co2 emissions, inc. India and China.

There was some speculation in our press that Bush may be doing this only ion an effort to gain supporters, and it got me to thinking... why do we always have to assume someone has an angle for themselves? For example, when you or I say that we want to help the Earth, are we not sincere? If we were in Bush's shoes with our own minds, would we be sincere then?

Fact is, if Bush is serious, then he should have all the support he needs.
Bush serious, Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ha! There is nothing but puss in that brainpan.


New Member
Although I remember reading once that Bush has a more eco-friendly house than Al Gore. It's usually the guys that don't say much that do the most doing.


Well-Known Member
Bush can't do anything he wants anymore because of the new Congress, so he might as well try to make himself look good for the history books by doing something everyone agrees on. Where was he in the first two years of his first presidency in regards to environmental issues? Probably just chillin at his ranch.

Yeah, I doubt he's serious.

canadian thc

Active Member
if mr. bush wants to be more eco friendly and really help the cause, he could start with more more ecofriendly weapons. hehehe eh.

you know, beeing at the head of the last of the super power nations there, with google amounts of money at his hands, i ask you, why is his army not more ecofriendly. how come you cant have 50% of your army making the transition to b more earth friendly. you know goin electric and solar.

yea, beeing out there in the dessert in iraq and stuuff one wonders how many solar stations they have set up.

think about it.


Well-Known Member
he's always worked for the environment in a way that doesn't put people in the poor house. just because he doesn't advocate destroying people's income by setting up massive new federal agencies and wasteful bureaucracy doesn't mean he does nothing...


Green Delaware News #30, November 2, 2000

Fact Sheet: Key Bush Environmental Accomplishments

Bush's EPA better to work with, Berry tells SCPA meet

CNN.com - Bush offers alternative environmental plan - June 11, 2001

(1/21/2003) Bush Too Soft On Environment, Says Conservatives

besides, people need to stop looking to the government and start doing their part. recycle much? using solar? turning off the A/C in your car when it's hot? do proper maintenance on your car? turning off lights you don't need? filling up with gas in the early AM or late PM? car pooling? picking up trash at your local parks? planting trees? etc etc etc?

think if we did just some of what we can do. people who need a president to do something about OUR job are basically useless IMO.


Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Everyone who uses a single watt of electric light to grow dope is guilty of needlessly contributing to global warming, but that's an estoppel. It's actually bad drug laws which force us to wastefully grow plants under electric lighting instead of under the sun.

GW Shrub, the great ecological warrior? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Man, that's THE funniest thing I've read in 8 years.


New Member
Everyone who uses a single watt of electric light to grow dope is guilty of needlessly contributing to global warming, but that's an estoppel. It's actually bad drug laws which force us to wastefully grow plants under electric lighting instead of under the sun.

GW Shrub, the great ecological warrior? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Man, that's THE funniest thing I've read in 8 years.
Hey now, what about the plants we're growing? Don't they help by absorbing all Co2? I recycle paper, cardboard, and plastic bottles.

I'm doing my bit.

What did you read 8 years ago that was funnier?


Well-Known Member
7x, Yes needing a president to do are stuff is stupid people should do there part. But Bush wasn't done a good job in all areas of his brench of the government, so i guess what i'm saying is doing a bad job isn't doing something in my point of view, "you can't half ass a job and get it done".:peace:


New Member
he's always worked for the environment in a way that doesn't put people in the poor house. just because he doesn't advocate destroying people's income by setting up massive new federal agencies and wasteful bureaucracy doesn't mean he does nothing...

He's done a dandy job of destroying peoples income. Thousands being layed off, millions of jobs going overseas, tell me about Bush not destroying jobs. I guess he must have missed your job, eh! General motors, Chrysler And Ford all have layed off many thousands. The list of manufacturers that have closed their doors in the USA under Bush is enormous. Bankruptcies and home forclosures are at the highest point since the great depression, and you still think the economy is doing well,~LOL~, you need a wake up call my friend!


New Member
he's always worked for the environment in a way that doesn't put people in the poor house. just because he doesn't advocate destroying people's income by setting up massive new federal agencies and wasteful bureaucracy doesn't mean he does nothing...

He's done a dandy job of destroying peoples income. Thousands being layed off, millions of jobs going overseas, tell me about Bush not destroying jobs. I guess he must have missed your job, eh! General motors, Chrysler And Ford all have layed off many thousands. The list of manufacturers that have closed their doors in the USA under Bush is enormous. Bankruptcies and home forclosures are at the highest point since the great depression, and you still think the economy is doing well,~LOL~, you need a wake up call my friend!
This is because of your country (like ours) moving industry abroad where labour is cheaper and they get the blame for the Co2 emissions.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
GWB has me thoroughly baffled...his irrational stance on immigration combined with his refusal to seal borders, profligate spending....mama mia....and now this....embracing the climate change hysteria....
I admit to being flummoxed to the hilt....gotta load another bowl and ignite it!
GWB is morphing into a GIANT douche bag


New Member
*lol* ... Wavels, you crack me up. You just know when the term "compassionate" is used in the same sentence as "conservative" ... it means trouble.

Hey Med O'Donnel ... You made a lot of assertions in that last post of yours regarding bankrupty and foreclosures: "Bankruptcies and home forclosures are at the highest point since the great depression." Where do you get your facts? Please provide a link to at least try to prove your silly assertions.

You also said this: "General motors, Chrysler And Ford all have layed off many thousands."

Unions and their outlandish demands for outlandish pension plans, including medical, have made the U.S. automakers uncompetitive with foreign competition. Unions have always considered and treated the employer as the enemy of the working class. So, if they lay off, or go broke, what did you expect?



New Member
*lol* ... Wavels, you crack me up. You just know when the term "compassionate" is used in the same sentence as "conservative" ... it means trouble.

Hey Med O'Donnel ... You made a lot of assertions in that last post of yours regarding bankrupty and foreclosures: "Bankruptcies and home forclosures are at the highest point since the great depression." Where do you get your facts? Please provide a link to at least try to prove your silly assertions.

You also said this: "General motors, Chrysler And Ford all have layed off many thousands."

Unions and their outlandish demands for outlandish pension plans, including medical, have made the U.S. automakers uncompetitive with foreign competition. Unions have always considered and treated the employer as the enemy of the working class. So, if they lay off, or go broke, what did you expect?

Why does toyota have the best paying jobs and pension plans and health care plans, and oh yeah, sell the most cars. The health care industry is responsible for the downfall of the American autoworker. Toyota has their own health care plan. Health care is the single largest expense in a new American made automobile, more then the cost of steel to make it with. Blaming it on the unions is a childish response. Corporations good-Unions bad, figures.


New Member
"Why does toyota have the best paying jobs and pension plans and health care plans, and oh yeah, sell the most cars."

Ummm ... could it be that the quality of their products far outstrip that of the Big Three? Oh, and their employees act as if the are partners of the company, not the company's enemys.



New Member
What the hell is a tyre, is that akin to a tire,~LOL~You colonialists are so wrong in your spelling.
Americans have hijacked our beautiful language and distorted it to such a degree where I get laughed at for writing the correct spelling for tyre. The spelling to which you are referring relates can be defined as lacking in energy... to tire out, etc.

You guys only learned half the language.