bushy plant


Active Member
hey guys i have a very bushy plant was just wondering because its so bushy could i chop off the first set of fan leafs without causing any stress so more light gets to the smaller branches or will it be fine left alone thanks


Active Member
there are differing theories on the whole fan leaf thing. Many leave all the leafs there until they get yellow and basically would fall off shortly anyway... I took mine off earlyish, but the buds that were lower didn't react all that much, the branches at the bottom didn't get that much bigger anyway... My next grow i'm not going to trim anything and see what happens...

so basically, it's personal choice...



Well-Known Member
dont touch them! the big huge fan leaves are the best at making energy and get very effecient (and more) the bigger it gets and it puts that energy into the new growth, the new growth will be replacing some of the older growth when it dies. but for now leave it be


bud bootlegger
try out some lst or supercropping on her to get more light down to the bottom of the plant if you want to, but don't touch those leaves... its kinda like asking if you should cut off your arms so that your legs will get some more light... doesn't make a whole lotta sense when you think about it..