Busted Poll

Capt. Chronic

Active Member
Been having a great time reading this site. Anyway, I have tried to level with some people in the past about the realities of growing pot. And depending on the level and size of your grow, I think you can grow relatively quietly and in peace.

So I just wanted to know, how many of your friends or have you ever been busted by the cops, if so what were the consequences and how did you slip up?


Well-Known Member
Yeah you can get busted but you can't worrie about that sort of thing or you may as well give up growing and find a new hobbie....pay you dues live and learn...I got caught with 30 plants 5 HID's 800+grams dried and pills and bongs and pipes and you name it all my logs fans but not my house or cars or freedom...drop felony possesion dropped misdemenor charges and stuck the cultivation...I had no record what so ever got two year probation piss test passed 6 payed fine like like two months in and was off probation in 7 months 1300 bail myself 1100 for my girl and fines totaaling over 3000 bucks they were at my house on a hearsay call cause my truck had a loud exaust that was a few year back and my state is easy on us pot heads but not easy enough you know? bongsmilie So be careful thats time from my life I'll never get back!!


Well-Known Member
the only drug that I know people who got busted for was coke.

But that shit makes you stick out like a sore thumb anyways.

Most dont get busted just for pot, it is normally because they deal pot and other stuff...yanno?


Well-Known Member
Or have an overly active police force..and annoying neigboors...I moved by the way a few times :) and fixed the exaust actualy I don't even have that thing anymore bad memories but anyway....crime with no victims I grow for personal use...I smoke a bunch no doubt!!