Bye Bye Euro


Well-Known Member
Can they do it? Will they be able to leave the EU?

Bankers, Scum hahaha

Edit, realized it was Italy and Not Greece, Italy is a much much much bigger deal.
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Well-Known Member
What he says is true but the truth really doesn't matter. It's the same story with our own Fed and every other central bank.

I don't see a move away from the Euro, I see a move to a mixed currency. The more countries the banks can get under an umbrella the more leverage they will have.

It's a rigged game, we can see anal rapage coming, we are just powerless against it. I think our best hope is to lube up to dull the pain.

My mindset has changed this year though. Instead of thinking "that's not right, they are damaging the middle class and funneling money to the rich", I'm now thinking "well, shit, how can I profit too?" I can't beat them, may as well pick up crumbs.


Well-Known Member
I think Italy and Greece would much prefer to go back to their own currency so that they can devalue it instead of austerity and super high unemployment.
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Well-Known Member
Some say Europe has not been unified since the Roman Empire fell in the west. But truth is it has never been united, not even then.

Rome held half of it together for 400 years.

They have different ways of doing things.

And because of guilt about their history, the only country that could lead Europe, Germany, will not lead it.

France would love to lead it, but they are being propped up by Germany and are in no position to lead.

Great Britain is more or less a by stander.

It's up to the Dutch, a nation that went bankrupt over tulips. GOD HELP THEM.