Cab Build: How to vent with clone room on top?


Well-Known Member
I am 90% finished with my new grow cab build. It's 4 feet tall, the bottom three feet will be for gorwing and flowering and the top 12 inches I'll use for wire storage and in the future will use it to establish cuttings in order to sog. I will use an HPs in cool tube for the main area, and need to vent through a carbon scrubber for exhaust and to bring fresh air in via passive intake holes. My questio is: Because I will also want to have exhaust and fresh air into the cloning area on top, can I run the exhaust fan from the main chamber up into the clone area and then run another fan to exhaust the clone area? Or is there a way to use just on exhaust fan for both areas? does this make sense?


Well-Known Member
if the areas are sealed off from each other, you could use one fan. just have an air intake and output hole in each section


Well-Known Member
This depends...

With only a single 150 you could pull the air from the flower chamber through the veg chamber and then out. However if you end up maxing out the amount of light in the flower chamber you'd be drawing too much hot air trough the veg chanber doing that. Especially with clones in the top you don't want hot air drying them out then you'll never get clones to make it.

The best way would be just a small computer fan to exhaust the veg chamber and exhaust for the flower chamber on the side of the flower part (but at the top of the flower part) with passive intales on the lower portions of each chamber.

Make sense? (Not sure if I could even understand that the way I explained it.)


Well-Known Member
i have my 2 separate , there 2x3x3H, i just got a 4" inline duct fan, and made a diy filter, NO SMELL!! $30 TOTAL


Well-Known Member
Dont know if one fan would work, you will be then ventilating or cooling one room with the others exhaust heat. Maybe 2 fans with a single output, that might work thus only needing one scrubber, and passive intakes on both sections. Possibly one big ass fan sucking air from both areas, then exhausting through the scrubber. maybe it could work. So many posibilities

I am kind of in the same boat as I want a Veg area on top of my flowering room in the same closet.


Well-Known Member
Let me clarify: I have a cooltube that will run indepentendtly, the fan is dedicated to just the cooltube. I will ALSo have a fan for exhauts that will pull through a carbo air scrubber (the scrubber located in the flower cahmber) this fan will either vent straight to the outside of the cab, or somehow be incorperated into the exhaust of the clone room, too. Not sure how to exhaust both chambers with one fan when a scrubber is involved?


Well-Known Member
Dont know if one fan would work, you will be then ventilating or cooling one room with the others exhaust heat. Maybe 2 fans with a single output, that might work thus only needing one scrubber, and passive intakes on both sections. Possibly one big ass fan sucking air from both areas, then exhausting through the scrubber. maybe it could work. So many posibilities

I am kind of in the same boat as I want a Veg area on top of my flowering room in the same closet.
Okay, so you are suggesting two fans for exhaust, with one shared exhaust outlet? How to get the two fans to share one exhaust hole?