Cali's Kush Journal..19 Clones/2000 Watts.


Well-Known Member
yes I leave my light in the same position...i move it up or down but not around..its easier to move the plants...

and I know fdd it only takes a little common sense for the most part....well maybe more then a little but.....................:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yea im pretty sure its the real deal...but im worried about the price...sometimes these places are stupid high with the pric3es when they get a rare one in....


Well-Known Member
Here is the Great White Shark from green house seeds.....been curing in a jar for 3 weeks..
looks red to me...but it is frosty, the shit box camera doesn't do it justice...



Well-Known Member
That is beautiful.....I admire sum good weed.... I want to try it... do they sell that at compassions club never heard of it.


Well-Known Member now im starting to feel like im about a week in to this grow and the other night I got into it with my neighbor(not the first time) about his lack of respect for the neighbors...i.e. drinking every night, having the music on wayyyyy too loud till 3 or 4 in the morning..breaking beer botles and pouring beer and wine all over my porch...and the list goes anyways, I got a letter from my land lord today telling me that he has started an eviction of the loud neighbor, and offered me a bigger place for the same the plus to this is I will have a whole room for my grows..the bad is I have to somehow move this crop I have now to the new stuff...but on the bright side..i can about triple the size of my grow you guys think I should just stay put and keep using the same grow area....or should I take advantage of this offer and save 200 bucks a month on a bigger place and have a room just for the ladies???


Well-Known Member
That's some awesome looking bud Caligrown. I heard some great things on this board about Kush. Definitely will be growing some Kush in the future. I got some AMS in the last few weeks and hope her buds look as impressive as yours.


Well-Known Member
That's some awesome looking bud Caligrown. I heard some great things on this board about Kush. Definitely will be growing some Kush in the future. I got some AMS in the last few weeks and hope her buds look as impressive as yours.
thanks man.....good luck to ya....:peace:


Well-Known Member now im starting to feel like im about a week in to this grow and the other night I got into it with my neighbor(not the first time) about his lack of respect for the neighbors...i.e. drinking every night, having the music on wayyyyy too loud till 3 or 4 in the morning..breaking beer botles and pouring beer and wine all over my porch...and the list goes anyways, I got a letter from my land lord today telling me that he has started an eviction of the loud neighbor, and offered me a bigger place for the same the plus to this is I will have a whole room for my grows..the bad is I have to somehow move this crop I have now to the new stuff...but on the bright side..i can about triple the size of my grow you guys think I should just stay put and keep using the same grow area....or should I take advantage of this offer and save 200 bucks a month on a bigger place and have a room just for the ladies???

this was the serious question you pm'ed me about? you really need an answer? do it. pack the stuff in boxes and move. how's the backyard.:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
lol.....backyard is nice and big....but the damn neighbors house is too they have a 2 story so it looks right in to the back yard..ill have to feel out the neighbors before I put some bushes back there.....I just wanted advise because I either have to do this now(like tomorrow) while the girls are still small...but in a week they will probably be too big to move stealth just a decision I didn't think I was going to have to make so soon and fast...but my girl said the same thing..she wants to move cause its bigger and nicer... But now I get to do the room from scratch...i just wish I didn't have the clones already going so I could have some time to get it set up the way I want..if I go now I'll have to just kind of piece the room together as I go along..thanks man...


Well-Known Member
can you set u a temporary area for the clones while you set the new room up? it's always nice to take your time from the start and get it all done right. i always leave 1 stupid little thing then never get back to it. like that back corner of mylar that's flappin'.


Well-Known Member
i know what you mean....i think I can probably work something out..they may need to just sit in the bathroom or living room till I get it set up...I should be able to get it done in a full days work If I can get my neighbor(fellow grower) to give me a hand with it....i just gave him my 250 hps and some small plants i was flowering