Calling all animal lovers!!! GUZOO


Active Member
Alright so today I came across this facebook group that is trying to shut down this Zoo, and yes it needs to be shut down for sure. Please help join the facebook group and follow our steps to stop this. The zoo in question is the Guzoo zoo in Three Hills, Alberta, Canada. They have been doing this for 10 years, i will include some pictures but there is 1300 on the facebook group you can check out. Im sure no one has every seen animals like this in any zoo, lets shut down this poor excuse of a zoo. Just type Guzoo in google and you can see the many sites trying to shut them down. Fuck these wastes of breaths, they should lock them up in the smallest jail cell, cover it in shit, make sure the water has shit in it and food is coverd in garbage, and see how much they like it, oh ya and if they need to see a doctor at anytime probably easier for us just to kill them.

Facebook group--
Shut down Guzoo in Three Hills, Alberta - End Roadside Prisons-

over 1300 pictures there
heres just a few of them


Well-Known Member
no facebook for me..................refuse to sign up to that crap site.............the plan on the zoo might be ok not saying that...........just hate facebook..................ROAR


Well-Known Member
Its pretty messed up I looked at all the pictures, but I have seen worse for the record. This kind of behaviour is common in humanity.

If only we could... Oh look paris hilton did something.


Well-Known Member
I didnt like cats until a bit ago and they had a thread in here about pets and saw some of the most awesome cats...............kinda like em now.............or at least understand why ppl like em so much..............they still are snobs LOL.........


As terrible as this is, even shutting this zoo down will do nothing to stop animal cruelty. And besides, out of all the battles I would like to fight against humanity and society, and i feel bad for saying it, animal cruelty is not the priority. If we want to put a stop to shit like this, we're looking at a much, much bigger picture.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, they are snobs. But the Russian Blue is more like a dog than a cat. Comes when called, retrieves, and expects his due too.
I didnt like cats until a bit ago and they had a thread in here about pets and saw some of the most awesome cats...............kinda like em now.............or at least understand why ppl like em so much..............they still are snobs LOL.........

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
We can chip away a little here and a little there. If you don't try nothing will ever change. I refuse to accept that we can't improve our world.
As terrible as this is, even shutting this zoo down will do nothing to stop animal cruelty. And besides, out of all the battles I would like to fight against humanity and society, and i feel bad for saying it, animal cruelty is not the priority. If we want to put a stop to shit like this, we're looking at a much, much bigger picture.


Well-Known Member
Heres meh cat dunno what kind she is...but yea shea got one. ..Arrrr....and has strokes its seems has had 2 since we have had her and one of her legs went that my beat up ole one eyed pussy.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
What a sweetie pie, she is lucky to have you. Someone else might of... you know.
Heres meh cat dunno what kind she is...but yea shea got one. ..Arrrr....and has strokes its seems has had 2 since we have had her and one of her legs went that my beat up ole one eyed pussy.


Well-Known Member
It may be cruel, or it may be humanitarian. From pics alone I don't have enough information. Do You?!
Did you visit the facebook page? More pictures there of shit in the drinking water and absurd conditions. Its not humanitarian, its a very low quality zoo in the middle of nowhere.


We can chip away a little here and a little there. If you don't try nothing will ever change. I refuse to accept that we can't improve our world.
True. The first animals I would want to help are cats though. I love them, my family has 5 back home (it's a big family, they aren't just some crazy cat people lol)

this is a pic of my fav one :3 I would destroy anyone who would try to harm him.



Well-Known Member
True. The first animals I would want to help are cats though. I love them, my family has 5 back home (it's a big family, they aren't just some crazy cat people lol)

this is a pic of my fav one :3 I would destroy anyone who would try to harm him.
NOW THAT IS A MISTREATED CAT.......HOW DARE YOU..... damn cat is in heaven lol...............that is trust and love right there..............


Active Member
As terrible as this is, even shutting this zoo down will do nothing to stop animal cruelty. And besides, out of all the battles I would like to fight against humanity and society, and i feel bad for saying it, animal cruelty is not the priority. If we want to put a stop to shit like this, we're looking at a much, much bigger picture.
yes we cant stop animal cruelty, but we can help stop this guy at least. yes the world is fucked and animal cruelty might not the top priority but at least some of us do something. myself i cant do much to change the world, but with something like this i can at least get my voice heard