Calling all stealth enthusiasts...


Well-Known Member
Fans. They are the thorn in my side (Im talking about air circulation fans not inline). I got a nice voltage regulator for my inline which is great. Those clip fans are brutal, so got some 140mm super awesome PC fans, which are ok when attached to another little pc fan regulator...but still aint that quiet.

Bascially Im looking for suggestions from people that have the same problems as me...noise is a major factor.


edit - i run 400w in 1.2m tent


Well-Known Member
i did see a thread somewhere, had some good techniques
the one that caught my eye was putting the fan in a wooden box(or something similar)
opening at front and back, with some baffles that help reduce sound
haven't tried it, living with the noise for the moment(pc fans)


Active Member
Also wicked expensive but you get a 20% off for mothers day saw the comerical. Lol
Cheaper than a ride in a cop car.. and cheaper than your plants super stressed... but yes expensive air movers haha... and they move alottt of air..1 took over the job of 2 big box fans in my tent. Goodluck bud


Well-Known Member
get sum bungy rop u can buy per mrte from any climbing store,,failing that ANY rope with some elaticity, put sum hooks in your ceiling(if plaster use the plastic ccrew in plugs and dont forget to use silicone clue round it as you screw the plug in, then simple hang ur fan uside down of he rope,,,the nice is the vibrations ur hearin,

if u wanna ardcore it take the fan apart cage and everything so all u got hangng is the fan on a motor,
i have a noise issue with my etxractormits monuted in my celing so i think im gunna have to get sum rubber seale or sumting for wr it sits,its never gunna be 100% quiete unels us in a 5inch thik steal boz wats ben soundproofed just do what u can


Well-Known Member
get sum bungy rop u can buy per mrte from any climbing store,,failing that ANY rope with some elaticity, put sum hooks in your ceiling(if plaster use the plastic ccrew in plugs and dont forget to use silicone clue round it as you screw the plug in, then simple hang ur fan uside down of he rope,,,the nice is the vibrations ur hearin,

if u wanna ardcore it take the fan apart cage and everything so all u got hangng is the fan on a motor,
i have a noise issue with my etxractormits monuted in my celing so i think im gunna have to get sum rubber seale or sumting for wr it sits,its never gunna be 100% quiete unels us in a 5inch thik steal boz wats ben soundproofed just do what u can
Got some bungy cords, but its just the noise from the fans. Have you got the Dyson fans? Too expensive for me, but dont they have a small fan working overtime in the base?

Maybe I need to live with it, just wondered if there was a holy grail out there I was missing out on. Its coming into summer, I will try the local department stores and see if I can find a replacement.

Cheers for the suggestions folks


Well-Known Member
Got some bungy cords, but its just the noise from the fans. Have you got the Dyson fans? Too expensive for me, but dont they have a small fan working overtime in the base?

Maybe I need to live with it, just wondered if there was a holy grail out there I was missing out on. Its coming into summer, I will try the local department stores and see if I can find a replacement.

Cheers for the suggestions folks
the noise is the vibration more than then actuall fan,lift it up ul see a massive sound diffrence from a quiet wurring to a light gust of air noise my fans not so brand new but spry down the rotating shaft with wd40 and hang upsaide down with the plastuc plugs..i found the metal ones to carry more vibratin wer the plastic ones just dampen it,,only by a DB or 2 but ther wat u need to get down
get a good extractor ad put it in the attick get sum ducting and put that to a pipe outlet through your roof (they wil already be 1 or 2 mone has 3)and then on the other side of thee xtractor go into your grow room and hang it wer ur currant fan would be,not only would the air be gettin circulated ud be getting fresh c02 and ur extractorzs in the attick so its 100% noice free,


Active Member
The only thing i hear when standing next to my tent is the timer clicking away and the hum of the ballast..
The noise from 99% of fans i have seen are from buffeting and uneven flows in air


Well-Known Member
My last hope is maybe a large fan and use the volate regulartor to make it spin just not sure how to find out if that fan is safe to run at a lesser speed. Big blades spinning slower are surley quieter than small blades spinning fast?

Using an inline as an air cirulator is an intresting idea, anybody doing/done this?


Well-Known Member
The only thing i hear when standing next to my tent is the timer clicking away and the hum of the ballast..
The noise from 99% of fans i have seen are from buffeting and uneven flows in air
Its hard to explain, but noise is a real factor for me. I have got it rigged up well and the only noise is coming from my actual fans circulating are about the inside of the tent. The Large PC fans (140mm) I bought are running around 20db...which is obviously alot lower than the bigger fans. Its just I need more of them, or, spend the $ to find an actual solution to my original problem (not create another any adding a shit ton of pc fans)

Im baked, hope this all makes sense.


Well-Known Member
i believe the trade you get with larger blades and lower speeds is lower sound frequencies
i.e. it's a low rumble as opposed to a high pitch whine
i think low frequencies are less noticeable, maybe, likely it will vary from setup to setup


Well-Known Member
I hope that with summer coming around fan noise will be less of an issue

Its the complete other end of the scale here, during summer its quite. Autum/Winter is when its rainy and windy outsite...during the summer its so quiet (the reason I need to fix the air circulation fan noise).

My mate has an massive inline fan that he doesnt use, Im gonna try wiring it up to the voltate regular and see how quiet I can get it going.