Calling "bullshit" on Change .org


Well-Known Member
every one's saying to write, write, write, write in to the government. But we all know how easy it is NOT to read something. And politicians have so much reading and paperwork involved that it can quite easily be a matter of "whoops, didn't see that" when the possibility of loss enters their equation.


New Member
LOL this is about marijuana not him being president, you already lost that, sorry, get over it. Believe it or not marijuana is not the most important issue our country faces. People act like he is going to change everthing as soon as he becomes president, or even before that apparently. Everybody calm down, he has 8 YEARS to work with.

8 years......what country you live in:-P The presidential term is only 4 yrs then its time for re-election...8 years is the max that any 1 president can serve.

Bush tried to amend the US constitution to give him another term in office...he wanted to manipulate congress like he did both of his election victories.

Did you know that upon leaving office Bush had the lowest public approval rating of any president in history......even lower than Nixon and he was a non convicted presidential felon that was forced to resign.


stays relevant.
I think you are all getting confused with Change.GOV... Change.GOV is Obamas site, is just some stupid website promoting ideas. :lol:


New Member
I voted on both of them. was supposed to present their top 10 to Obama during a press conference. What they really did is stick them in a binder (in no particular order, why call it a top 10 if they aren't arranged by votes received) and give them to the press secretary or something. Way to not get the job done.

Everyone should vote on both sites, and send e-mails and letters, and make sure you sign the petition that Stoney McFried has in her sig. Nag them, just keep nagging, the squeaky wheel gets the grease......


stays relevant.
I voted on both of them. was supposed to present their top 10 to Obama during a press conference. What they really did is stick them in a binder (in no particular order, why call it a top 10 if they aren't arranged by votes received) and give them to the press secretary or something. Way to not get the job done.

Everyone should vote on both sites, and send e-mails and letters, and make sure you sign the petition that Stoney McFried has in her sig. Nag them, just keep nagging, the squeaky wheel gets the grease......
I dunno why... is not represented by any official person or entity related to the Obama administration, I think they just played off the similarities in the domain names, and confused the hell out of a lot of people... and thus threads like this are created.


New Member
Well just keep on nagging. Vote on every marijuana question you see. Eventually they are going to have to say something other than their 1 line canned answer. The more sites, the more it's like we're circling around them and pinning them in. It's easy to ignore just 1 website, but when you are being bombarded from all directions..........

old pothead

Well-Known Member
Well just keep on nagging. Vote on every marijuana question you see. Eventually they are going to have to say something other than their 1 line canned answer. The more sites, the more it's like we're circling around them and pinning them in. It's easy to ignore just 1 website, but when you are being bombarded from all directions..........
Please go here and read.they are listening.


Well-Known Member
actions speak louder than words...
If you are near washington .d.c. Try to attend the big "light-up" on the fourth of july. If you cannot do that talk with your local cannabis groups about organizing a "smoke -in" at your local city/county/state buildings on the fourth of july, independence day" yes we cannabis"!!!!
Also, attend and support your local hempfest. Send emails encouraging your state senators and representatives to support cannabis "re-legalization"....


Well-Known Member
LOL this is about marijuana not him being president, you already lost that, sorry, get over it. Believe it or not marijuana is not the most important issue our country faces. People act like he is going to change everthing as soon as he becomes president, or even before that apparently. Everybody calm down, he has 8 YEARS to work with.

I suggest you re-read the term limits. Only 8 years if we re-elect him, 4 years if we don't.

This is why people discussing politics make me mad - they have NO CLUE what they're talking about.

Politics now has a new definition - people bitching about nonsense they don't understand while confusing morailty with ethics and while attempting to force everyone else to conform to their ideals.

Politics, and anyone that participates in them, need to be eliminated.

Anybody that plays politics can..


Well-Known Member
he can try and change alot, it doesnt always work, but its his influence that matters. he sure influenced alot of people just to vote for him and for change. i believe if he believes


Active Member
lol "Change" can mean so many things. Who the hell wouldn't want it after 8 years of Bush. Duh, people want "change". Like any presidential canidate, Obama had to sell himself to win votes. He chose to ride the easily welcomed "change" slogan. Clinton did the same shit. The majority of the American general public is retarted and easy to manipulate/deceive. Personally, I don't choose to follow people who call themselves leaders.