Calling it before anyone else does


Well-Known Member
Has anyone here noticed that the "Mayan-End-Of-The-World" thing has now changed to, "Mayan-The-World-Is-Going-To-Change" thing?

I say I am calling it because I think shortly after that time something big will change. Major war, breakout, etc. And people will start freaking out about the Mayan thing and it will be another ploy the government will use against us. I dont know what it is, but like every other year the world changes, but this time people have something to blame.

Now I know this sounds funny, but this time next year(if I remember), I will bump this post.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member

i know a nut who does this same thing and now that the mayan end of world craze is over the mayan change of world event is even more powerful of a figment of his imagination . . . .cracks me

also he a complete racist . . . go figure


Well-Known Member

i know a nut who does this same thing and now that the mayan end of world craze is over the mayan change of world event is even more powerful of a figment of his imagination . . . .cracks me

also he a complete racist . . . go figure
Kind of sad once you think about it :(

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
The end of the world can still happen. I don't think it will, nor will anyone give a hoot about a Mayan change event. It will be like the Y2K craze. But I was wrong about Romney. Just to be safe, be careful of Nibiru.


Well-Known Member
I think it is a very interesting subject and have enjoyed many books from many writers on it. One of my favorites is Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 by New Age writer John Major Jenkins. I found it to be a very insightful and enjoyable book about Mayan astronomy and cosmology. I don't identify as an adherent of the New Age religion, I'm beyond my militant atheism such that I can respect people for their religious views as long as they don't write laws. With that being said, I also find wisdom in several religious texts. Indeed fiction can teach you something. Afterall, the Mesoamericans used the zero before the Greeks and their calendar was the most accurate calendar in the world until the last several decades. Despite that they sacrificed humans, I believe that they had a profound respect for human life. As the west at the time of the conquistadors, and still to a great extent today, has very few scruples about wasting human lives for profit, they considered it to be the only fitting gift to their gods. I often wonder what untold volumes of wisdom were lost when De Landa burned all of the Mayan books.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I think it is a very interesting subject and have enjoyed many books from many writers on it. One of my favorites is Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 by New Age writer John Major Jenkins. I found it to be a very insightful and enjoyable book about Mayan astronomy and cosmology. I don't identify as an adherent of the New Age religion, I'm beyond my militant atheism such that I can respect people for their religious views as long as they don't write laws. With that being said, I also find wisdom in several religious texts. Indeed fiction can teach you something. Afterall, the Mesoamericans used the zero before the Greeks and their calendar was the most accurate calendar in the world until the last several decades. Despite that they sacrificed humans, I believe that they had a profound respect for human life. As the west at the time of the conquistadors, and still to a great extent today, has very few scruples about wasting human lives for profit, they considered it to be the only fitting gift to their gods. I often wonder what untold volumes of wisdom were lost when De Landa burned all of the Mayan books.

the whole "human sacrifice" thing was blown out of proportion by the jesuits and the catholic clergy.

on the temple of the sun, human sacrifices WERE done, but they were done rarely, on events of great signicicance such as a great victory in war, or to stave off a drought. plague or other disaster. the whole "mountain of skulls" story was created out of whloe cloth. the poles strung with sacrificial victims skulls represented centuries of sacrifices, and they numbered less than 100. human sacrifice was a heavy heavy thing for the aztecs and the maya both
the vast majority of aztec and mayan blood sacrifices were ritual blood lettings from the KING! he would on various occasions cut his dick for fertility, cut his tongue for prosperity etc etc etc. some precolumbian ritual sacrifices to note include:

smearing the king with honey, dusting the now sticky monarch with gold dust and he goes for a swim in the sacred cenote (big sinkhole full of water from and underground river) which was the entrance to the underworld.
animal sacrifices (normal throughout the world)
vegetable crop sacrifices (normal throughout the world)
sacrifice of manufactured goods (only done in a large scale in meso-america and pre-socialist china)
the royal children and the kids of the priest class capture, and later live release a shitload of BUTTERFLIES in honor of queztlcoatl. how sinister is that!

the image of a bloodsoaked temple and hot virgins having their hearts cut out while still beating, is a product of pulp fiction writers, hollywood and catholic propaganda.

also, theres still a few mayan books that didnt get burnt. just not many.

but theres always an exception...

Xipetotec, the flayed god, was all about human sacrifice, but it was not "annual" it was not "hundreds of victims every year" and it was NOT Sexy Virgins.
i mean, he was nuts, but he wasnt CRAZY!


New Member
the mayans admit its a tourist scam (as for it being apocalyptic), the calender starts a new, regardless it will be a significant astrological event, and its not just the mayans but other time lines as well. It is significant in Greek, Egyptian, christian, and more.


Well-Known Member
Wait guys....wouldn't life just be easier if we didn't keep time? Like we could all stop and do stuff.


Well-Known Member
I think a lot of the nutjobs will let go of some of their faith when the world doesn't end. By that I mean that I believe it is fear of Armageddon which binds faith. When nothing happens, a major portion of the fear weighing down the collective subconscious will be alleviated.