calyx, male or hermie? please help!!


Active Member
Im on the the second day of flowering and I noticed these calyxs (lol hopefully) growing at the internodes. You will see in pics the white hairs that are already on this plant. This is a long flowering sativa strain 12-14 weeks that has been exposed to a little bit of light at night. Let me know what you guys think. Im deft ready to grt rid of it but id like to get opinons. Thanks guys


Active Member
I have been doin seeds for a little while now and i would say just let it go because even when that ball do apear its still a little while before the burst so that will give you the time to toss it out i also do outdoor. I had a batch of seeds that 90% turned out to be hermi and they showed there fem side first hopefully this helps a little


Well-Known Member
I'm familiar with the shape of pollen sacks and that's what you have. No pistils will come out of there at all. take note of the shape and stem. Calyxes don't have stems holding them up and the pistils would be showing by now on the big ones.

Chop it.


Active Member
Should I pluck them or tossem? I see these on 2 other plants as well. At the top of the plants and other parts there are white hairs growing out to indicate female.


Active Member
he looks like he has alot of other plants , if thats the only one with 'balls' just move it away into another room.. and hope the other ones are female .


Well-Known Member
I didn't see the part where you said it had pistils. Maybe look into that reversal stuff. I've heard it works.


Active Member
I just offed a male today. His parts were a little more distinctive then what you have there but he looks like a boy...

Testies.jpg dunno if this helps or not...



Active Member
I looked into it, people say it just prevents doesn't stop it if it's already there. I do have other plants in there but these two were pretty big and helped fill out the scrod screen. O well I'll assess the situation tomorrow and I appreciate everyone's feedback. If anyone else has an opinion please feel free to express it. I like to hear different opinions.