can 3 cabinets be exhausted by one fan?


Active Member
so I was looking at(6 inch) :

my 3 cabinets combined are only 26 cubic feet and I was thinking that this fan(250 cfm centifugal ) with at most 5 feet of ducting per cabinet and some kind of 3 way join into the fan (with a single carbon scrubber before the fan itself) would be good...yes? no? would the next level down(4 " - 56cfm) be ok you think?

PS: would be using 42 watt cfls(4-6 per cabinet) maybe a 150 cmh in the bigger cab)


Active Member
yeah I may go with the same brand but the td-100x for 20 bucks more, 30% more cfm, but I won't need it for a couple of weeks and really only then if something I have turns horribly skunky since I would get it for a carbon scrubber


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind that the fan loses efficiency at moving air as the distance increases, also consider any bends or tees. The best way to draw air through a space like that is with passive intake and a strong exhaust. The cabinet on the passive intake side will need a way of taking in air, unrestricted. Preferably AC air from inside... That also means you will need to seal the insides and make them as air tight as possible. Trying to blow air through the cabinets may cause cab doors to open slightly, and losing airflow to the last cab. I sure would love to see some pics of your modification.


Well-Known Member
That fan would be a good choice as your going to run a filter also. You can have too small a fan but you can never have too big a fan.


one 4" 45 elbow adds 3 feet to your run from static pressure, 90 adds 8 feet, filters, grills, corrugated ducting, also add, so you see how fast a fan's power can be diminished.

get the big one.

PS you also need to remember that you are pulling ambient air in and it passes through three lights picking up heat as it goes, so the first light gets all the cool air and the last get hot air. Get the big fan.


Active Member
well I was thinking of having a duct come from each cabinet to the fan, but wondered about the turbulence where they meet?
not sure what you mean by "one 4" 45 elbow adds 3 feet to your run from static pressure, 90 adds 8 "
do you mean that a 45 degree bend taking 4" to accomplish the bend in the ducting is like adding 3 extra feet of straight duct?
and agreed on the bigger the better, I'll probably end up with just 2 cabs that need exhausted(one cab for 20/4 autos, one for 12/12 flowering) , the 3rd one will just be for seedlings and Im guessing those don't smell for at least the first 2-3 weeks, I dont imagine Ill veg for much longer than that since most cabs are height limited anyway.


Active Member
definitely agree on the passive intake, if I get there I'll def post pics, we'll see how the smell goes first, just thinking ahead


Active Member
well my wife could smell my one plant from outside the bedroom today so its time to get moving on a scrubber. I went ahead and got the S&P td-100 because thats what I could afford right now and I dont hink my othe plants are supposed to be too smelly. This one is just a bagseed, no idea what type but the leaves are definitley indica looking is all I can say plus its bushing out really well. I thought indicas were the non-smelly type? Anyway, my plan is to just do the one cabinet for now, I got a sheet air filter at walmart that has activated carbon in it and I'll roll it into a cylinder and put it on the fan when it comes and that should at least help for now, I'll wait on combining the air from the 2 cabs I have going for a couple of weeks anyway.