Can a flowering plant revert to veg naturally, ourdoors?


Well-Known Member
I have this plant outside; it got too big to keep inside my indoor setup so i had to set it outside, in the middle of december.

it is doing very well, no signs of stress or nute issues, but its starting to yellow the leaves, like its floweirng right now. which would make sense seeing as the light hours are still fairly short outside.

but i have noticed a change in it over that last couple weeks. the bud sites are no longer compact, and it seems to not be producing as many calyx's. almost like it is now starting to divert its energy towards verticle growth, as the bud sites have become spacey, internodal length is increasing.

Is it going back into veg in its own, is that even possible?

i read since cannabis is an annual it'll die eventually, but it doesnt seem to be on any sort of downfall.

thanks buds :P


Well-Known Member
I can always tell,I get chute leaves sticking straight out of the tops.I try to sneak one flower in on Mother Nature as soon as the nights get up to 50F.Sometimes I win,sometimes I lose.Just have to watch em like a Hawk.Had to reveg a mom because one of the people I supply got sad because I was killing the strain.Took a full month before I took cuttings again but I'm glad I did.Theyll be hanging in three weeks.