can a plant be put in the sun during the day??


can a plant be put in the sun during the day(if sunny)??
and then back under cfls for the rest of the time??

would that have a good effect on the buds while flowering?
would it have a good effect on the growth in veg state?



Global Moderator
Staff member
The plant will definitely get better lighting outside, the prob you could introduce is bugs to your indoor grow space.
And that would be BAD !


Well-Known Member
can a plant be put in the sun during the day(if sunny)??
and then back under cfls for the rest of the time??

would that have a good effect on the buds while flowering?
would it have a good effect on the growth in veg state?

Sure i ve been done it before. Make sure you have the hot strip pest to hang in your indoor grow room :D

happy growing and peace


so use organic sprays? to kill bugs once a week

any idea how much more bud there would be if i put it under the sun about 7 days a week for about 5-8 hours while flowering


Well-Known Member
And obviously still ensure it gets it's 12 hours of dark.
If I had somewhere suitable outside, I would forget the indoor grow altogether and control the daylight times with an up-turned trash can etc over the plants. Leave the cfl's for winter growing.
Mr.G is right. Pests brought into a grow-room can be a nightmare. They are effectively given a perfect environment and locked in there with no predators. If the plant is left outside it tends to be less of a problem. Nature helps keep a balance (rainfall washing off spider mites, wind blowing greenfly away etc)
Basically, choose one or the other.


Well-Known Member
I'll often take one of my plants that look like it could use a break out from under the 400 watt HPS and bring it up from my growroom, but I dont take it outside. I'll leave it in a room close by a window where it can get some fresh air and some natural light. They do seem to appreciate that once in awhile.. :)
I'll put it back sometime before the lights go out.