Can a plant be stunted and never grow...

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I have a plant that was giving me trouble in an Aerogarden and wasn't growing. I moved it to a soil pot and put it under 400w MH light. It is nice and green and not dying it just doesn't grow. I am hoping that the dirt and light will solve it and it takes off but I'm not sure. It was in the AG for a month or so. The leaves have 5 fingers on them just like full grown plants but its only about 2" high. Any hope of saving it or am I wasting my time?


Well-Known Member
That's odd. I'm sure it can happen, you're experiencing it. But the why, when it's neither growing nor showing any issues, is the thing, ain't it? I'd suggest trying some mycorrhizae, there are many sources, all organic. Happy Frog ferts and Dr. Earth, along with Super Plant Tonic by Blue Mountain Organics (Ebay only) are three such sources. First two are dry, last is a liquid.


Well-Known Member
Pick the planter up, a few inches from a surface . . . now, drop it hard.
I've had stalled plants kick ass after an accidental "knock" in the root zone.
I'm dead serious.
Or I suppose a grower might invigorate a slow plant by manual cultivation. Use a bamboo skewer, stick, screwdriver,etc. to basically "tenderize" your planters soil.
Keep watering to a minimum until you get this plant growing properly.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention that I just barely moved it to the dirt so I am not sure if it will grow yet. I used miracle grow soil with perlite mixed to 50/50. I am willing to try anything. I don't need that one plant but if I can save it I will.


Well-Known Member
What kind of time span are we talking about here? I know a lot of people go on and on about how fast Mary grows, and how big, all that. But if we worry about comparing, then we end up with Mary envy, never a pretty picture. If it's a seedling and isn't dying, its prerogative is to grow. Since you went with MG soil, be VERY careful about fertilizing, it's amazingly easy to burn Mary with such a combination.
Pick the planter up, a few inches from a surface . . . now, drop it hard.
I've had stalled plants kick ass after an accidental "knock" in the root zone.
I'm dead serious.
Or I suppose a grower might invigorate a slow plant by manual cultivation. Use a bamboo skewer, stick, screwdriver,etc. to basically "tenderize" your planters soil.
Keep watering to a minimum until you get this plant growing properly.
You don't think this is why that CIxBB girl that got blown off the deck is still alive, do you? I figured it was dead, so I just put it back up on the deck after trimming, didn't clean anything out, it's just sitting in the plastic bin the way I left it two weeks ago. It's got a tiny green leaf growing out of the side and the whole stalk is still green. Whereas another girl I intentionally kept vegetation on and put under 24/0 lighting for re-veg is looking like it's gonna just up and die. I think I cut down too much and didn't leave enough vegetation. I need to find your pix again before I harvest my other girls, because I REALLY don't want to just up and kill them if I don't have to.


Well-Known Member
Probably transplant shock. Especially if you went from aero to soil. Just give it time and keep watering down til it starts growing again.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
The strange part is that it was stuck that size for 3 weeks or so before I transplanted. Now it seems to be getting better but in the AG it wasn't doing anything. Who knows. I have 2 others that I started in dirt last week and they are already taller.