Can a plant survive


Active Member
could u be a lil more specific? indoor or outdoor grow? how hot? and if all the fan leaves get burned then yes, it will die (theyre like solar panels/sugar factories) but if only a few of them get burned, your plant will still survive but will lose its vigor


Well-Known Member
i stopped watering some of my males to let them die off..i noticed that after a few days of 80s and 90s temps the plants still survived.--droopy as hell but still alive. it seems only natural that that would most likely stunt the plant if you tried to revive it


Active Member
oh you should be alright man, if it outdoors long as they get plenty o water theyll be good to go, usually to burn all the leaves enough to kill the plant it has to be hot enough to be uncomfortable to your skin (i.e., right next to a high wattage bulb)


Active Member
i had this prob and it was a heat wave of 90+ around me and my plants didn't do good at all 90+ heat is not good for your plant!!! even with alot of water 90+ will dry the leaves faster than the water works its way up threw the root system you need to keep them in some shade for part of the day or the whole day direct sunlight will kill them


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
if they get the water they need for the enviroment witch they are growing in, no matter the heat they will survive..