Can a soil container have clear sides?


Well-Known Member
So i just found something lying around outside to use as a grow container for my plant. It was one of those big plastic water bottles, looks about the same size as a bucket. Theres only one problem. The sides are clear and let in light. Will mold form? Does a grow container have to have light-blocking sides?


Well-Known Member
NOPE u cant use it ive read it many times not to use it cuz of lights hitting the roots id say just put duct tape to block light out


Active Member
light on roots will for sure turn the roots green.. and grow algae as well.

flat white spray paint or tape or whatever..



New Member
And that's why they invented duct tape. wrap it and use it. You can leave a thin vertical strip clear down one side (about 1/2 inch) to gauge moisture later on, just keep the strip pointed north ... :wink: