Can fans "rumble" throughout the can i fix this?

Fuck Snails

Active Member
My can fans are mounted on a painted drywall interior wall.. They make a lot of noise and you can hear them when they are on..mainly because they are rumbling against the wall.. What is the best way for me to make them quiter?
get a sort of foam padding its commonly used for sund dampening , mount that between the wall and the fans base

your screws or bolts should use a big rubber/silicone washer or something that wont be rigid so it doesnt transmit noise very much

or a better way but less tidy would be to put on some shelf brackets and use bungee cord and hooks to suspend the fan in mid air this will stop the vibrations from the fan going through the wall and the wall amplifying the sound


Well-Known Member
Remount the fans with some thin weatherstrip. Walmart has various thickness for like 2 bucks


New Member
meh, I'd get some bathroom caulking and caulk the drywall hole. Also suspending from bungie cords


Well-Known Member
check out dropastones room
he's got pics of some isolation hangers that might do the trick for you

also what you can do is attach the fan onto a piece of plywood that is underlined with a rubber or foam membrane and then attach that whole unit then onto your sheet rock

something to not for future builds or expansions when doing your framing, if you use wood glue or construction adhesive in the addition to screws (rather than using your 16d nails) your framing will absorb more vibrations rather than transfer them (same fix for squeeky floors and straits etc...) fine home building (you can check and search their website but will be at a cost of a script) has a great article about sound proofing rooms)