Can i change dark hours?


Active Member
Hello all

I was wondering, can i change my light cycle so that i got dark from 10:00 to 16:00 instead of 22:00-04:00 that i have it now? (18/6). Will it affect my 10 days seedlings?

Thanx in advance


Well-Known Member
if I understand you correctly, you currently run your dark....during the night and want to run your dark during the day? I acknowledge that there is significant debate about the potential influences that changes in light patterns can have but I expect that these little plants will maybe hesitate for a day and then go on about their business just as if nothing has changed....let the light go out at 0400, and then turn on again at 1000 and start the 6 hour cycle there. I doubt the plants would miss at beat? good luck!


Active Member
if they are seedlings/vegg they should not have to much problem to change the cycle.

try not to put to much stress on them you dont wont to many males.


Active Member
Thanx guys

i'll change the cycle tonight and cross my fingers. Spring is coming fast and temps go up, so i need to change now before they're too big and its too l8. I dont worry too much about males from stress cause i got mostly feminized seeds.