can i chop early


New Member
how early can i chop a couple nugs off my plant i need to smoke
i want to chop some little ones its been flowering 4 like 6 weeks already and it has mostly red hairs and hella thc
sorry no microscope or camere
will i get high


Active Member
hell yea.... I only have one grow under my belt but i took a few samples throughout the process. just remember the bud you pull is smaller and if you let it grow it will get bigger.


RIU Bulldog
yes you can. I think you can micro wave it or bake it in the oven on low to dry it out fast, but idk how to do it exactly (i just pluck and smoke, choking and everything) but how do you know how much THC it has?


Active Member
you could but i wouldn't it will be very un tastey and low on thc like asdf1 if you dont cut it it will doubble in size and increase in potency, if you do it though don't dry it in the microwave or the oven put it on top of your computer or tv for a coupple hours


Well-Known Member
If you need a smoke that bad, you can chop bits off. I've done it in the past, and always ended up regretting it. The water retention in the buds will always lead to an inferior smoke, no matter what fast dry methods you employ.


Well-Known Member
I agree with everyone else, if you need to smoke, and you pick some now, you will inevitably have to wait a few days before you can smoke that bud, (if you want it to be worth your time) you'd be better off finding some to buy to hold you over.