Can i force my plants to show sex earlier?


Active Member
My 3 babies are in their 5th week from seed and i'm getting anxious about the sex of them. Is there any way that i can make my plants show there sex now or do i just have to wait for them?




Active Member
They are still far too young to cut or show anything. Growth seems rather slow for 5 weeks, how are they being lit/fed?

On my plants (Kush, Aurora Indo), they'll have 9-10 strong nodes and begin to show the pistil hairs on the females by week 5 or so. The one male I've culled so far, didn't show anything to me at all even after 7 weeks. After flowering a clone for about 2 1/2 weeks, it showed the ball sacks.

Looks like yours could use some strong blue light to get some more node action going then you'll either see the preflowers, or you can take a couple of cuttings and sex them. As the cliche goes with this hobby; Be patient, it'll happen.

those look really small for 5 weeks, mine are 4 weeks 2 days and are easily triple that size. I would repot them into bigger containers, what lights are they under?