Can I Get Some Information on Super Croping/ Mothering Plants

[FONT=&quot]Alright well this is my first post, but I have been around roll it up before just wanted a new profile.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I am trying to learn how to mother plants, clone and then flower the plants. I have had some experience but not enough to feel 100% comfortable so I feel I will be coming back here. I am pretty sure I will be making a grow journal soon. To keep updates going.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Alright to get to the exact question I have right now.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]I want to mother these 2 plants I am growing from seed, so then I can take clones from them.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]They have been in soil for 39 days today, I germinated by using a paper towel and it took about 2 days till I planted them. I had them in dole cups for 20 days, and on the 20th day at the start of their day I transplanted them to 4 gallon buckets. Throughout this period I never gave them any nutrients, I started the nutrients on the 24th day with 1/4 strength.( I am using GH grow,micro,bloom GH floralicious grow, bloom, plus Advanced Nutrients Cal-Mag and I have neem oil on the side) I water them about every 4-5 days now, when they tell me they want it I give it.( I like to listen to what my plants are telling me, Personal opinion.) I started 3/4th strength nutrients on the 36th day and want to go full-strength on the 42nd day. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]They are under 150 watts of hps for each the plants. And the light is about 4-5 inches from the top of the plants.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Right now they are pretty large I would say they are at about 1 1/2 - 2 feet tall and about 1 foot in width.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]I want to know how I can get the growth of them to basically stop, they keep getting taller I want it to get a little bushier. How can I do this? By super cropping and how can I do this. ?[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Ask me ANY questions you need to know to help out, I don't want them to grow to tall.[/FONT]


btw I tried to top them but I think I did that way to late cuz it just fucked with the top leaves and its okay now but for one intersection the fan leaves will be fucked.


Well-Known Member
Ok, you are putting a lot of thought into this.. For them to be mothers, all you gotta do is take clones off of them. Don't ever prune more than 1/3 of the plant off, or it might not make it back.

That's it. If you are ready to take clones, start now. If you are not ready, go ahead and top them. Cut a 5 inch cutting off the new growth tips. The plants will come back bushier. Choppy chop..



Well-Known Member
Super cropping is where you pinch and fold the stalk over and tie it. The branches all grow up from the side of the stalk. This is usually done to get bigger colas out of the side branches but I suppose you could do this and harvest clones from her. Another way and what most people do is top her. Cut off the top grow tip and discard. You can try cloning it but most of the time it dont make it. As the new top shoots grow train them sideways or top them again, then as the side branches fill out take the grow tips.


Well-Known Member
sounds simplistic enough.
if i have more question i will come back

is 4-5 inches good enough for a 150 watt hps ?
That may be a bit close. You need a fan right in there when you put your light close. I would go to twelve inches. Hold your hand, palm facing to ground and at plant level. If your hand gets uncomfortably hot, the plants would be uncomfortable. You can always go lower later. Each foot the bulb is away from the plants cuts the lumens available to your plants by half. At one foot, you should be jamming all the photons from the bulb to your plants. At two feet, you'd be jamming them with half! so you see, as close as you can without dessicating the plants or burning them is the name of the game.

Just LST it, if you dont feel comfortable cutting the top just tie her down like cruzer101 said. When the side branches start growing you can get your clone just be carefull not to snap the main head or your yield can be low.