Can I go buy a clone from the weed shop and let it grow outside at this time of the season ? starting in june, and have time to let it grow fully by winter time or is too late?
Most definitely; last year after the snow decimated my efforts in May; I ordered beans
from RCMC on may 27; they were in *me* hands on June 4. I dropped them and some
F1s that I created by way of a kerfuffle. In short, they popped on June 11, and they
ambled along just fine. The biggest problem around this time is the heat, gottsta keep
them well protected; above all the molting larvae are prevalent now and boy can they
eat. Bottom Line, it takes 120 days from seed, so you may be elated to know you have
time...good luck, you'll make it! True story...speaking from a heart wrenching experience.