Can i grow in the fall???


I live the southern part of Texas i just planted my seedlings september 18th and its September 23 there about a inch. the weather is in the upper 90s. question is can i grow in the fall? it dont get cold till december and it stays in the 80s most of the winter


Well-Known Member
You can let them go until the first below freezing night. If you dont get any two or three day freeze you could grow all year. The plants will not get very big at all.


Active Member
if it's an auto flowering strain... otherwise; probly not... it is photo period sensitive. it starts flowering when the days get shorter, closer to a 12/12 schedule. it will probly grow another inch and start budding.

unless you do it indoors under a light...


Well-Known Member
if it's an auto flowering strain... otherwise; probly not... it is photo period sensitive. it starts flowering when the days get shorter, closer to a 12/12 schedule. it will probly grow another inch and start budding.

unless you do it indoors under a light...
Or outdoors with a few CFLs during a couple hours of the dark period to keep them vegging ;-)
i guess the most important question would be what are your goals? if you are just trying to get a little free smoke then that seems possible, but if you are trying to replicate spring/summer and have some monster grow then forget it...