Can I Grow With using MaxiBloom by Its Self?


Active Member
Hello rollitup!

I have a question about growing with strictly MaxiBloom.

Yes, another question about what nutes to use. I'm a poor man and have been saving up for a while to get a grow going. I have mild insomnia and was becoming dependent on Ambien, so I started using marijuana to help me sleep, only problem is it is far more expensive (when will insurance stat covering bud? lol)

I almost have enough for a 250w HPS light, but I still need nutes, I'd like to be able to get both so I was thinking I would use some spare 6500k cfl for veging and spend some of the money I was saving on nutes. The less I spend on nutes, the sooner I can buy my light.

About to germ my first batch of seeds, going to run bubble buckets growing Nirvana's Northern Lights.

I was going to buy GH Flora - Micro and Bloom, but I saw some people talking about growing with strictly MaxiBloom throughout the entire grow. Most people I see that are using MaxiBloom are supplementing with other nutes as well.

My question is can a good crop be grown with only MaxiBloom for both veg and flower? If not what else should I use? Do I need to veg with other nutes?

Thanks for any advice, been lurking for a while now, lots of good info on this forum



Active Member
thanks for the replies guys, I read epsom salt can be used in place of calmag. isn't that a bath salt? or is there an argriculture specific salt?