Can I keep seeds indefinately?


Well-Known Member
How long will seeds last if I keep them in a refrigerator? I can only grow two plants at a time and order more seeds as I need them I would like to order a larger quantity, but am concerned about the life of the seed. Anybody have any experience with this scenario?


Well-Known Member
How long will seeds last if I keep them in a refrigerator? I can only grow two plants at a time and order more seeds as I need them I would like to order a larger quantity, but am concerned about the life of the seed. Anybody have any experience with this scenario?
Keep them in a cool, dark and dry place. If you want to keep them for more than a year freeze them.

Illegal Smile

I've heard they can be kept as long as 10 years but older seeds will have a higher failure rate. One year should be no problem. Store in a cool dry dark place. I keep mine in their breeder packs in s padded envelope in the vegetable drawer of the fridge. I have never heard that freezing was a good idea.


Well-Known Member
I've heard they can be kept as long as 10 years but older seeds will have a higher failure rate. One year should be no problem. Store in a cool dry dark place. I keep mine in their breeder packs in s padded envelope in the vegetable drawer of the fridge. I have never heard that freezing was a good idea.
Some seed banks freeze their seeds. It can even help some strains that have tough to germ seeds have a higher success rate. I planted some last year that I had frozen for 4 years. All ten sprouted.


Active Member
i just came across some old seeds given to me at least 9 years back i threw about a hundred in a cup today and surisenly alot have already broke tap goin to see if they will make it ....i currently am growing some bc seeds right now which will be on there second week on tues.I am goin to throw what ever lives out of the old bagseed in the room why not far over 20 taproots broke so far....i noticed that some that were like cracked sprouted like 3 hours in a glass of water ...dont kno if they will survive but there all goin on the heat mat tonight ....only time will tell