Can I kill spider mites with dry ice (CO2) ?


New Member
Dr Who forbid 4f wake up dude that's poison if your from the west coast
You would understand those days are over Organic is the way to go
Try the product before you flap your gums or recommend putting poison
On Plants indoors


Well-Known Member
I've tried many products and the one thing that actually wiped them out were the no pest strips. They are poison so you have to use your head when using them but it's another product that is often used near food and leaves no residue on the plants.

But I would suggest you do as I did and try everything else first. Do not be surprised if you think you have them handled and then a few weeks later they come back as a few others have said.


Well-Known Member
have you tried the dry ice? neem oil, dawn soap, water enough need to have almost a1/4" on top, a few drops of dawn and shake it as you spray to get the neem oil in the mix. kills eggs, adults and repels new bugs. i think you need something stronger than co2. liquid nitrogen maybe? a bottle of co2 might be better if you know someone that has a bar or restaurant that would loan you one.
just did a search-
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Well-Known Member
Fuck the co2. Youre better off spraying any oil based insecticide , the way they kill is suffocation. You've got to hit the bastards.
So the secret really isn't what you use it's how well you spray. Some oil based insecticides also interrupt hormones and shit (neem for instance, which I've never used and never will.)


Well-Known Member
Mighty wash is the shit, nuke em (which I just bought a gallon of) is said to do several insects including broad mites.
It's nothing more than citric acid and potassium sorbate. the rest water.
Also nuke em is a natural fungicide so you're getting two birds stoned.


Well-Known Member
When you have a spider mite infestation, you still have to take in account for where they came from. How would one get rid of mites on a heavily infested pepper or garlic plant? Yup you guessed it, not pepper or garlic. If your indoors i wouldnt even fuck with organic pesticides, your just giving them a chance to come back and lay more eggs, those eggs that hatch will not give a shit about the last used organic approach without drowning or saturating them with a high ppm organic solution (which is pretty much impossible without a dunk or fogger).