can i shut inline off...landlord has some work to do.


:shock:my landlord has to come do some repairs in the house the lights are off during the day.i have my tent using up a whole room he has no clue whats in there just that I rent it out to a college student,who always locks his door of course;);)my question can I turn of my inline fan for a couple hours so he does not hear the humming sound coming from that room. or is there some sort of silencer that can be purchased. Happy growing all...:joint:
They do make mufflers that will help quiet it some. You will be fine if you shut it off for a couple of hours. The only thing I would be worried about is if your humidity goes too high and that could lead to powdery mildew, but I doubt that will happen if it's just one day for a couple of hours. Msg me if you have any other questions...


Well-Known Member
of course you can. One day of anything won't harm them. But shit, fans ain't that loud that I can imagine anyone hearing some white noise and thinking it is a grow. Could just as easily be an air filter for allergies...


Active Member
buy one air purifier and place it where everyone can see, but close to the growroom :) ...those things make enough noise...and on high setting, can even make more noise then ur growroom. thats what i use, pefect camouflage. :D


Active Member
You want no noise coming from that room. I don't think anything is really going to silence the fan completely. Best bet is to have somebody at the place while he is working: that should encourage him to get the job done and get out as soon as possible.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'd plan on staying home and baking brownies and shit that day. Crank up the radio and leave the fan going.

If at any time the landlord starts sniffing around, just start talking about how much ass sex you like to have with your fists. I'm sure he wont stick around very long.


Well-Known Member
insulate the fan with some big bed blankets or something to mute the sound... also having something diffusing/slowing the air intake and air exhaust will also... it won't be filtering as fast but should be quieter.. the slower filtering isn't necessarily a bad thing because slower filtering = more contact time with carbon. Less volume of air is filtered but the air that is filtered will be cleaner. It will stress the fan out a bit more but that is okay because most fans come with warranties... :P


Well-Known Member
Smell by far. Noise can atleast be half assed explained.

Unless you think having a pet skunk is believable.


Pet skunk, sounds good, I am ok with that...

Plants will be fine for a day in the dark w/ no wind, just make sure the smell is not a problem.


Lol babahahahaha for real this is the way to go. I don't think he will snoop too much..but he does seem to linger around with his "boys" too long for my liking. I'm gonna wash floors listen to tunes and embarras up a storm hehe.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
eat some food that will make you fart and stink like a decaying animal. just keep them ripping and he will not stay long.

if he leaves quickly and you need to change your shorts, then it worked.

one day this old guy kept walking passed me leaving a green smog as he went. i finished my job and moved on rather quickly.


Well-Known Member
eat some food that will make you fart and stink like a decaying animal. just keep them ripping and he will not stay long. if he leaves quickly and you need to change your shorts, then it worked. one day this old guy kept walking passed me leaving a green smog as he went. i finished my job and moved on rather quickly.
Chili (volume) and fish (toxicity). Being old helps, too.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
If the game is just to drive the guy out, then just get a pan smoking on the hob and dump a load of tobasco sauce in there :)


Active Member
Get some seafood while he is there. Get to cooking. Like you said turn up the tunes.

Have a back up plan. He starts heading that way to check out the apartment. Get him interested in something else. Do not make it to obvious that you don't want him in there just strike up a convo and get him interested in something else.

Try to keep him on his set path. He has no reason to snoop anywhere. You have other minor problems in the apartment? save one to have him look at if he starts to stray. Either way keep him away from that room.