Can i use these lights to grow 1 plant?


Active Member
Hi there, I think for the most part the majority of people on RIU would say you can never have enough lights. You will get 7140 lumens from them bulbs which is roughly what i have used on my first grow and ive managed so far, Also it depends on the type of setup you have and what if any reflective material you use.


Active Member
If you want a bunch of popcorn, yes. If you want some nice buds, no. You don't have enough light for a decent plant. It wouldn't matter what type of nutes, soil, feeding schedule, or anything else you had if your light is not enough it's just not enough.

From what I've researched it has been accepted that the sun produces approximately 10,000 lumens per sq ft. APPROXIMATELY. It definitely produces more depending on the conditions of weather, but this is what is generally accepted to base your lighting on. However, lumens also don't magically stack. Just because I put fifty 2000 lumen output CFL's in the top of my box doesn't mean there's 100,000 lumens effectively penetrating every square inch/foot of the box. This is especially true with CFL's. That's why more often than not you will see people using smaller CFL bulbs and hanging them around their plant strategically to try and spread the light output out amongst their plant as much as possible. CFL light does not penetrate far at all. It loses its lumen output very quickly over distance.

Anyways, there's a ton of information all over this forum and Google explaining all of this and definitely answering your question better than I can in a single post. Hope this helps though.

This simple sticky at the top of this forum is a good place to start. Put 2 and 2 together after reading that post and then ask your question again:

I can not emphasize enough the importance for LIGHT proximity to the PLANT.

IF You want a big harvest using CFLS.. there should be a CFL within 1 inch of EVERY piece of exterior foliage of the plant!!

do you understand!!!!


CANNABIS grows FAST.... you will need to adjust the lights or adjust the plant daily.


Active Member
I agree with the above post. Even if 105 watts was enough and the bulbs put out enough lumens (though it may be enough it isn't a lot by any means, or nearly enough for a very effective grow... then again I may be wrong). The idea is to keep the bulb near the plants though. This is why many people put side lighting in their boxes when using CFL's. If you only have 1 little bulb hover over your plants it may work while they're little guys, but not when they get bigger and fill out a lot more.