can overfeeding cause nute lockout????


Active Member
My question is can over feeding cause nute lockout I just transplanted to larger pot(1 to 3 gal)went to 12/12 plants were dark green and very healthy (the soil i transplanted to says feeds up to 3 months)I still mixed up 1/3 strength food to kick start them and the plants are showing signs of nute lockout(tops of plants has bright lime green leaves and lower fan leaves showing lighter green spotting and littlle brown spots along veins of leaves) But no nute burn (is that possible to over feed and cause nute lockout and not nute burn except for maybe the very tip of fan leaves maybe 1/8 inch)Oh and ph level is 6


Well-Known Member
yes. get some clearex from botanicare. use that then just water. it will help break down the salt toxicity and bring it out of nute lock. is the stalk purple? are the leaves hooking? are you seeing absolutely no new growth?


Active Member
yes stalks have a lot of purple (i put that off as strain) yes leaves are hooking (downward) and it just started two days after i transplanted and fed (I lost last grow to this exact thing 15 plnts)I just run two gal water through each one water started becoming clear and I think il just wait a couple weeks to start feeding


Well-Known Member
use a clearex solution.then only water after that. then after 2 or 3 feedings of only water (5 days). give it quarter strength nutes for a week. if it still doesn't come out then flush it more.

also when you feed it nutes on the regular. don't give the amount it says. do about 20% to 30% less than it says. unless your feeding em that and they yellow then give em more. check your ph going in and run off. less is more


Active Member
only 3rd day in 12/12 they r stretching 1 inch a day but the problem is just starting( I just know where their heading with the experience from last (actually) 2 grows I tried every thing and this is the only thing I never thought about was feeding to early But the lockout is just starting to show discoloring of leaves and I believe just rinsing the food out I gave them 2 days ago will work do you think I can get away with just water since I caught it early (I never thought overfeeding would do this I thought you would see burnt leaves first


Well-Known Member
i think you'll be fine. stress can make it go a little longer but a lot of the time once they come out of it they are stronger than ever. sometimes stress can help the plant get stronger in the long run. but don't take that as to deliberately stress em out. its not full proof. its early on. if it was in the middle id say do a clearex leach for a day. because lack of nutes when their healthy and used to nutes is not a good thing.


You can clean it and it will start growing again but from what I have seen it will be stunted and will never fully recover. Hope yours does recover fully though. Let us know how it goes.