Can plants be transplanted from soil to coco coir


Active Member
Hi there was wondering if any of use guys could help me, i am having trouble starting seedlings in coco coir i have seen about a 101 seeds stunt or look burned yellow in canna cococ pro. I start them in jiffy cubes then transplant when i see first set of True leaves into small pots of coco then fertilise with weak 0.5ml A&B per Liter of water and 1 ml per liter of the RhizoTonic. I have tried in numerous soils i have been recomended out of grow shops and i have had a similar prob with bio bizz lightmix and all mix they have shown burn marks on tips of first sets of leaves. So was wondering if i would be best starting in a say JOHNINNES seedling &cutting soil then transplant to either coco or Allmix soil. I say this as i would like to grow a plant in coco coir and one in soil but it seems like most soils here in the uk are not made for seedlings including lightmix soil. Advice appreciated ?? Cheers :joint: