can smoking different stains avoid tolerance effects

hi all,

After taking off a year from toking, I started growing and my first harvest was blueberry. It is definitely some excellent stuff and gets me very high. As usual, after smoking nearly ever day I have got a pretty high tolerance to it (fortunately my supply is now more than i need). I have just begun my second harvest and my first plant harvested was crystal. I tried some after drying but no cure and it blew me away. As I will soon have six strains to alternate between. Can I avoid becoming tolerant by switching strains??

Anyone with this experience

doctor john


Active Member
Switching strains usually works for me it doesn't get me stoned like a week break does but I don't like to smoke the same strain for to long... There is always concentrates to try if you have a high tolerance


No proof to support, but I always find that switching up helps. I think that's the general consensus as well. I'm a little nervous about that too. I have my first harvest coming in a month or so, but only have two strains. I want to start rotating more in to avoid tolerance build up.