can someone add sum advice to this?


Well-Known Member
Same thing happened to my plants. i had em in the red party cups(16 oz cups) and they became root bound. Once I put em in a 5 gal. container they shot right back to green and healthy. You may also leave em out of the light for a day or two just so they fell comfortable. GL

T 420


Well-Known Member
but they havent been in those cups for long maybe a week or two so u still think they need transplanted already
and by going with the fox farm shedule it says start with big bloom and that dont have much nitrogen in it is that still good? grow big is the one with the nitrogen right?


Well-Known Member
yeah you want to start with grow big. i wouldnt feed them while they are still in a cup tho. maybe they mean start with the bloom while clones are trying to root.


Well-Known Member
its deff got good light i got 8 26w equivalent (100w) CFLs i figure either over watering or nitro defficiency