Can someone help me figure out what's wrong with my leaves?


image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgMy auto berry ryder is 6 weeks tomorrow and my leaves have been curling, dried feeling at the bottom, some purplish at the fan leaves but idk if that's the blueberry genes or deficiency. The underside look like spider mites but these spots just showed up the past couple days and the bottom leaves are yellowin on edges going up the plant. Can someone help me figure this out?


3x2x5 grow tent, 150w hps, 4 inch inline fan, carbon filter, and fan blowin below canopy. Ph 6.8 water and ph water 6.8 before this last feeding with tiger bloom and big bloom which made the water very acidic. Cal/mag deficiency or spider mites? Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Sudden curling and lower leaf decay is a definite sign something is drastically wrong in your soil, can you provide some details about your watering/feeding schedule?


Just the stem right where it meets the fan leaves. And yeah I'm thinking its a nute lockout. I was just able to get my ph right a few weeks ago ph 6.5-7.2 around what my water is. I started week 3 with grow big small doses until this week I feed first set of bbloom nutes and tiger bloom. but it was very acidic. And I gave it ph 6.8 water 3 days after bloom
nutes and this is the result. I water every 3-4 days depending how the pot feels and alternate water, nutes, water, nutes.


Well-Known Member
Doesnt look like mites. Could be phos def but not quite sure. Look up pics and youd have a better idea. Theres a chart in the search thingamajig. Ive seen that happen a couple times and it seems to grow out of it. Could be another kind of bug too i guess but its not mites. :):):)


Lol I've been researching this since I found it and I kkeep getting two or three things, it's either cal/mag defiency, or potassium deficiency. Or but hopefully not bugs. And yeah it's looking better this morning not as much yellowing but it still feels leathery and dry on the affected fans leaves. I'm gonna try adding some Epsom salt to this feed today and see if that helps and check my runoff too. If anyone has any other ideas or things that would help it I'm all ears this is my first grow and I just wanna harvest some decent bud to get my green thumb going


Jondamon that sounds just like my plant thank you for the description. That is all of my symptoms just needed help confirming it.


Well-Known Member
What I see in those pics is a classic case of "I spilled nutrients on my leaves and put it back under the lights to burn spots on them" and I bet you're only watering a little at a time too, which will cause a salinity build up in your soil and lock out everything else, try having about 10% to 20% runoff when you water, that way you push out the old and let the new do it's job.

I get spots sometimes on my bottom leaves too from spillage, but usually a deficiency comes from not watering/feeding proper and/or not transplanting when needed