Can someone please tell me what the hell this is .. ? (Rusty Brown spots on leaves)

Hello everyone,

Since a week, there are these brown rusty patches on my leaves. It started at the bottom leaf, killed it, and now its spreading to the top ! It might be spidermites, rust fungus, or a nute tox as i used compost as a medium.. when i was told that compost is too strong for young plants i repotted them to some normal soil. I really need to find out what it is before it kills my whole plant. Anyway, what starts at the bottom leaves and is rusty brown, spreads over the whole leaf, makes it curl down, dries it completely out and moves onto the next ones.. ? I hope these pics help. Im really worried about this :/

Jah bless
2012-08-27 14.59.35.jpg2012-08-27 15.02.48.jpg2012-08-30 18.35.50.jpg2012-08-31 17.46.24.jpg


Well-Known Member
If its not nute burn...then I would say it needs some calcium. Add 2 tbs of dolomite lime, or cal/mag. Look up cal def and see if the damage looks the same to you. I think this is most likely what it is.


Well-Known Member
I put this problem up before in a different thread. They also said it was over fert. I didnt feed them since 2 weeks and flushed the soil, but the problem stayed and got worse.. so it must be something different
What kind of soil are u using, is it organic with time release nutes by any chance, mine would still be in seedling soil in solo cups at that size because I dont want to expose them to anything other than ph balanced water at this point?
If its not nute burn...then I would say it needs some calcium. Add 2 tbs of dolomite lime, or cal/mag. Look up cal def and see if the damage looks the same to you. I think this is most likely what it is.
I checked through every nutrient def and tox picture on the internet and all the ones that look like mine, they dont know what it could be. Some say, like you did, that its a cal/mag def but they are not sure.. Anyway, i wanna keep this plant as organic as possible so i was thinkin on using eggshells ? I heard that works well.. what do you think



Active Member
bury the eggshells or they might start to stink. I have never tried eggshells so i cannot give any more input then that.


Well-Known Member
Overwatering? Or a disease of some kind? Compost shouldn't have caused you problems if the pH was ok. Was it a potting compost or home-made?

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
I would have to say magnesium issue. If you are using a brita tap water filter or something similar, it will strip the cal/mag out of the water. I've also seen leaves have similar issues when there is a lack of water and nutes as well. Let plants dry out a bit, use some properly ph'd tap water that's been left out for 24 hours with a 1/4 strength cal/mag. If you want to stay organic, that is fine. There are plenty of organic cal/mag's out there. I have General Organics and Earth Juice.
I would have to say magnesium issue. If you are using a brita tap water filter or something similar, it will strip the cal/mag out of the water. I've also seen leaves have similar issues when there is a lack of water and nutes as well. Let plants dry out a bit, use some properly ph'd tap water that's been left out for 24 hours with a 1/4 strength cal/mag. If you want to stay organic, that is fine. There are plenty of organic cal/mag's out there. I have General Organics and Earth Juice.
If i water them i use rain water cause its an outside grow. Anyway, yeah, i didnt water it for 4 days and the soil is dry. I got an egg shell, took away that inner skin, crushed it up to powder and added a bit of boiled water. I left it for 20 mins. The water turned white. I then filled the rest of the bottle up with tap water. I then watered the plant with that :) Now i can just wait for results to show.


Well-Known Member
take 5-6 egg shells and grind them up as fine as you can. put 2 tsp in 1 gallon of water. Let it sit for 2-3 days, shake it up a few times a day or use a fish air pump. Use that on your next watering. I have done this and it works.

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
If i water them i use rain water cause its an outside grow. Anyway, yeah, i didnt water it for 4 days and the soil is dry. I got an egg shell, took away that inner skin, crushed it up to powder and added a bit of boiled water. I left it for 20 mins. The water turned white. I then filled the rest of the bottle up with tap water. I then watered the plant with that :) Now i can just wait for results to show.
Rain water and egg shells are great as well. You need alot more eggshell than that for a good result though. Also, boiling water is effective but always try to have stand by water that you have just let sit for awhile. Letting the water settle allows it to evaporate the crap you don't want while still keeping the stuff you do.


Well-Known Member
I think you have a case of Leaf Spot Fungus,AKA: Rust Spot.If left unchecked it will eventually fry the effected leaves.It's a fungal disease that is inside the plant and is often caused by over watering or poor drainage in your soil,but not always.Many plants are susceptible to it,including cannabis.Get yourself a copper based anti fungal spray and get on it as soon as you can.Your plants are pretty young,read the directions on the bottle well .Good Luck and I'm sorry for the bad news.Make sure you let us know how this turns out for ya.:leaf: