Can someone with wisdom answer this please


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever known a dealer that will only sell grams at full price. Wont do the 1/8 or quad thing? Is this odd?


Well-Known Member
thats called a swindler, and his grams are probably .8 of a gram. ill bet he sells "some bomb haze" too


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever known a dealer that will only sell grams at full price. Wont do the 1/8 or quad thing? Is this odd?
no its not most dealers only sale small amounts .becuse they go faster & they make more money. if you do the math you will find out that you make more money on small quantys, plus its easer to get money for a few grams then a 1/8 or a 1/4.

Sr. Verde

Yeah my friend used to go through some dumb ass connect, pretty decent buds, didnt change hands much you could tell but totally wasnt worth 20/g

He would buy like 200$ worth of 20/g

And now he bitches about him being broke
Most of the dealers I've met are untrustworthy, short-changing pricks anyway. Suffice to say, most of them didn't grew their own and were buying it off others. I guess they were just trying to make a profit, but when they make up names to sell on the gram, keep you waiting for fucking hours and the end result is a quarter of sprayed shit so wet it doesn't grind properly no matter WHAT you do and tastes like fucking ass, you start thinking that maybe it's time to get a bigger grow room and some lowryder seeds. -.-


Active Member
yea only score bags which are bout 2gram get ur 1/2 and oz then the correct weight is there but as dew-b said they make more dosh outta doing the score bags as most the 2bob dealers buy only a couple ov oz then they get as much as they can outta ov it. grow ur own. best way


Well-Known Member
no its not most dealers only sale small amounts .becuse they go faster & they make more money. if you do the math you will find out that you make more money on small quantys, plus its easer to get money for a few grams then a 1/8 or a 1/4.
Ding Ding Ding....

What he said plus.....the dude you're buying from probably only picks up a half O or an O at a time so he probably doesn't have the means to sell an eighth or a quarter.....

Most likely a younger dude with not a lot of money or just trying to start up :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
ill bet he also sells his weed in those little dope bags.

just like theres more money to be made off more small bags, theres also money to be made off of fools. so get a scale and get a new dealer, or maybe become one your self. but what ever you do, dont mess with mr dubsack unless hes your last resort


Active Member
First off you need to find a better hook till you can grow your own. $20 a gram hu? He probably didn't even get a reach around. If he is selling grams he is probably buying ounces or half ounces at a time at retail price. Then comes the mark up and he goes around and slings gram bags making like five bucks a felony. He probably smokes a little too meaning he actually makes 3 bucks a felony. Kinda dumb really. It really amazes me that people are willing to risk jail time and years of probation or parole for a 5 or 10 dollar profit. If you are going to commit a felony make sure it's big enough to pay the rent. Those people don't last long in the biz. It is best to be on top of the food chain.
Yeah, but most dealers looking for money end up selling harder stuff. I had a dealer like that, then the daft cunt got himself arrested and that was one less dealer in a small town already painfully dry of weed nearly all the time. >.<


Active Member
think about it - you can get rid of ounces straight away for x amount -or you get pissy little turds turning up or phoning you for pissy grams - what do you do - the more turds that turn up at the door the bigger the risk so the higher the price - if your growin - you dont wanna be a seller - if you do grow and sell ,you want to sell in a single sale - the less people that know the better - at the end of the day - if you can sell 1 ounce and have 1 person come to your door and get £120 - or have 15 come and get £300 but with high risk - I'd take the £120 everytime!!!!


Active Member
They do it to make money! Its easy money but a dangerous game like others have said! Its better just to buy how much you need and be happy then be traveling all the time being more noticed b/c you have to keep picking up! :weed:

Hank's Hooter

Active Member
It's all relative. I have the same problem with some as-munchers around here. Except my prob is they only want to sell quarters intead of an O. It just means they are too small of a hookup for you. Keep looking, someday you can sell that turd a half zip that he can gram out. ?WTF! a gram is just enough to pack my zong for craps sake!