Can this auto be saved?


I had to leave town for a week and i watered it like normal with about 1l of water(without fertilizer this time) and when i came back i saw this.
The plant has had no problems ultil this point.
P.S: its my first time growing



Well-Known Member
of course it can be saved

but its not worth the effort.
when flowering weed is failed it rarely will recover to my satisfaction.


Thanks for the advice guys! I just watered it and hope it's gonna come back. I'll keep you updated.


Well-Known Member
Water only since it will suck up major amounts. If it's been what seems like a year or more since you've added nutes, then do so after they're back to normal (which may only be a few hours). FYI, it was close. Another day and you might have been out of luck.


Well-Known Member
of course it can be saved

but its not worth the effort.
when flowering weed is failed it rarely will recover to my satisfaction.
You must be one hell of a picky grower ! Why wouldn't you put some effort in after spending 2-3 months on a plant already? It would be silly to just throw it away specially this particular one. I've recovered a plant that looked at lot worse than this and not even half the size, sure it was no prize winning harvest but I wasn't going to throw a few months and $$ down the drain :)


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah! Im back guys, the plant is back from the dead!!!! it has almost fully recovered.Thanks for the advice!
Awesome. Um, not that you asked but I'd like to just say a couple more things. Please don't try to "correct" what happened. It's done and over. Things like this happened at least a couple of times over the thousands of years these plants have been around. Don't do it again :wall:, but they're fine.

By the way, you look to be in very good shape for a first grow.