Can This Get You High?


Active Member
I bought some salvia seeds from the store and i was wondering can I get high off of the plant?
It's not salvia divnoirunm (not sure how you spell that) I remember reading about salvia and it varaieties but im too tired now. I thought this was the best place to ask.


Active Member
No, if it's not Salvia divinorum, "Diviner's Sage" you probably won't get more than a weak buzz-- if that. Other types of salvia have nice flowers, and can attract hummingbirds, but that's about all they're good for. If you get the right plant you can dry the leaves and smoke them.


Active Member
has anybody here ever actually tried salvia? i'm thinking about it but i'm not sure if it's worth it.


Well-Known Member
has anybody here ever actually tried salvia? i'm thinking about it but i'm not sure if it's worth it.
It's too intense for me. I've tried it once, I didn't really know what would happen. I was a sucker for peer pressure as a kid now that i think about it haha. It wasn't bad, I just like the mellow high from ganja.


Well-Known Member
It is intense. If you have ANY self pity type hang ups, don't do it, it just magnifys 1000 times. If you are happy and feel good about yourself and people you are with, go for it. But yeah, be sitting.


Well-Known Member
I didn't know what the fuck to expect. I was at my friend's house and we took some hits. It got really hot, and my sense of touch was amplified. His dog came into the room with red eyes and started floating...


Well-Known Member
sounds like salvia to me, god i hate the hot sweaty blocky feeling cant even explain the tingle makes me feel like a geometrical shape so fucking mind boggling sometimes how is this gay ass plant legal, worse weridest drug by far not a reccomendation in my book


Active Member
has anybody here ever actually tried salvia? i'm thinking about it but i'm not sure if it's worth it.
I think a lot of it is going to depend on the strength of the salvia you buy-- 20X, 40X, 60X. In college I smoked some 60X salvia extract, and it had me by the balls. Granted it's a short lived experience, but it's still really intense. When I smoked, I was on my bed with my back leaning against the wall and I thought that I'd gotten stuck in the wall and melted partially into my bed. I was starring at the corner of my desk as it began twisting and becoming convoluted. Then that twisted image became transposed over identical images infinitely in frames. It's hard to explain visuals!
I think it'd be fun every once in a while, and in lower dosages. I've had my fill of that stuff, but to each his own. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
I think a lot of it is going to depend on the strength of the salvia you buy-- 20X, 40X, 60X. In college I smoked some 60X salvia extract, and it had me by the balls. Granted it's a short lived experience, but it's still really intense. When I smoked, I was on my bed with my back leaning against the wall and I thought that I'd gotten stuck in the wall and melted partially into my bed. I was starring at the corner of my desk as it began twisting and becoming convoluted. Then that twisted image became transposed over identical images infinitely in frames. It's hard to explain visuals!
I think it'd be fun every once in a while, and in lower dosages. I've had my fill of that stuff, but to each his own. Cheers.
I think I know what you mean. Sounds trippy as hell.
Salvia is a very unique experience, trip lastin about 15 mins. My friend who has an somewhat oversized probiscus(nose) turned into a bird within minutes of my first puff.I treid growin some cuttings i bought online once but i phucked it up lols. I got all hard when I heard head shops were sellin it for 400 a zip and wanted in on that market. Some day ill prob grow it again for a personal supply, it is legal in most states , for now. if your tryna buy cuttings do it now while its legal!! there are a few honest retailers of the stuff out there. Salvia Source is where i got mine. It may take while for it to ship but it will arrive in good health, mine did. Oh as for dose, plain leaf is pretty worthless, you will need to go with an extract, or if you do grow it you should try and make extract from the leaves. Anyway good luck with your endeavors, Im sure your curiosity will be rewarded.


Active Member
Im defiantly wanting to try some salvia but where i am at no one has even heard of it :( i heard seeds are hard to come by though. haha i'd love to grow some!


Well-Known Member
It really depends on how strong of salvia you get, but I strongly advise against that shit. I tried it once, and I've done a quarter of shrooms at once, and I've done acid before, and it was 20x stronger than either. You literally forget everything, and any random thing that pops into your head first becomes your journey for a few minutes.

I didn't freak out when I did it -- though, when I was coming down, I had a short window of mental agony as I realized how fucked up I was, but I'd say like 65% of people freak out when they try the strongest stuff.