can we get a new sticky?


Well-Known Member
I will do it if I have to but I'm sure someone might know far more than me about cfls, and the responsible use of them. I was very against cfls when they first came out. They contain mercury, a very well know neuro toxin. What happens when a cfl breaks? It releases mercury vapor. Which could contaminate the very soil you are growing in. Might make you think twice about smoking those buds If you broke a couple bulbs during your grow. Not to mention when you buy them, nobody educates you on the proper disposal of the bulbs. You can't just throw then in the trash. One 23w bulb is enough to contaminate 6000gallons of water making it not safe for human consumtion. I'm suprized I have read so little about this, while reading up on how to effectively use then to grow plants.


Well-Known Member
Also idk exactly how stickys work. If I do some research, write an essay with accurate info and post it then its up to the mods to sticky it?


Well-Known Member
message the Mod...thats how u do it. He/She will read it and then put it up as a sticky if its worth it.

ii dP ii

in my area at least, you are allowed to throw them away as long as you double bag them in ziplock bags...


Well-Known Member
All florescent light bulbs contain mercury this IMO is the only draw back to them. The OP is correct on the dangers of breaking a bulb in the grow area during a grow. A quick google search will help people find a local place to dispose of old bulbs, you city's waste management should have some info on this. I agree that there should be a sticky post on the dangers of mercury and how to properly go about disposing old bulbs. Here is a link to my local area waste disposal with info on CFL disposal
Any HomeDepot also disposes old bulbs.

ii dP ii

and some time around mid January I will give you a smoke report, provided of course I am not dead from poison, of some buds that got mercury on them mid grow.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
You wont be able to taste it or anything but have it tested by a lab for mercury and I bet the levels are higher due to that bulb breaking in your grow. This stuff is nasty and it only takes a small amount to due harm but the damage is not seen until years later, mercury is a slow acting posion. Will you die from it? No probably not but it may have some negitive effect later. I would not worry about it too much people just need to know about the dangers.


Well-Known Member
CFLs are old tech that are cheap, but not great for growing. I started a thread on how bad cfls are when they break.

This is the 21st century. LED globes blow the doors off cfls, and last 10xs longer, so any extra upfront cost is regained over time

HD carries a full line of CREE globes. see captainmorgans thread ~ 'flowering with cree bulbs' and get your minds blown. Now that should be a sticky