Can you help identify these pest


hey guys,
was looking at my plants yesterday and noticed a small baby budworm and removed it. so today I went out and got something to take care any future problems like budworms and while looking under my fan leafs i noticed what looked like eggs. first thought was..FUCK! pulled her out of the tent and put her about 15 feet away from my tent while i examine my other girls. didnt see anything else like these on any other ladies. now i dont know what the hell these things are but i know theyre not good.

i have the plant outside in my backyard and waiting to see what i can find out about them before i either chaulk her or put her back in. I didnt notice any other ones on the same plant just on 2 fan leafs.

sorry for posting this in here but im running around like crazy now that ive found these bastards. Mods please move if this is the wrong section.

edit: please delete ...moving to plant problems

strain horder

Active Member
take care of them ASAP. They give live birth and breed pretty fast. They are easy to kill though.. Many things work on them fast.. Many organic options as well..