Can you please, PLEASE tell me why?


Well-Known Member
Why are some people so stupid? I know, it could be many of several reasons..I mean you could try and factor origin, heritage, race, creed etc, family tree or lack there of, but in your own words, what exactly is it that makes some people so stupid?

Is it weed? Bad weed? Perhaps the mattress (or lack there of) that was used during conception...Who knows? And can you please help me to figure this out...

Thanks again :)


Well-Known Member
Why are some people so stupid? I know, it could be many of several reasons..I mean you could try and factor origin, heritage, race, creed etc, family tree or lack there of, but in your own words, what exactly is it that makes some people so stupid?

Is it weed? Bad weed? Perhaps the mattress or lack there of that was used during conception...Who knows, and can you please help me to figure this out...

Thanks again :)
I'm not sure if you are speaking of a lack of common sense, an inability to learn, or ignorance... but I can say confidently that some people are more intelligent than we can percieve (as in someone with no social wisdom and a lot of technical know-how), and race is a ridiculous thing to base almost any serious critique of intelligence on... that is a great example of ignorance.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if you are speaking of a lack of common sense, an inability to learn, or ignorance... but I can say confidently that some people are more intelligent than we can percieve (as in someone with no social wisdom and a lot of technical know-how), and race is a ridiculous thing to base almost any serious critique of intelligence on... that is a great example of ignorance.
yeah man, thats the ticket, thanks