Can you tell if its female?


Active Member
I don't see any pics...?

Also, stems are known to turn purple due to low temperatures or slight phosphorous deficiencies.

Edit: I can't tell from the pics, not enough detail. Anyone else?


Well-Known Member
take a picture close up or the stalk, probably the 3rd or 4th node

hold up, ill show you an example of what were looking for
alright ill get a better cam... Also I have these 3 pics here do you notice anything wrong with them? One fan leave had like a purplish tinge in it



Well-Known Member
notice how they moved away the foliage so we can see the main stem. also they focused on the top of the plant, where the signs of sex first show

(this picture is of a male plant)

when taking the pictures try and capture the image of either balls(male) or hairs(female). if you cant see them with the eye, then they are not ready yet, and we wont be able to tell either

again, male;

and female;