can you tell me the sex of my plant? PICS


Well-Known Member

no one can terr the sex of a stretch seedling. its way too immature to be able to tell anything

and look at that shwag, it is for lol s


plant is too young to tell
seeing how tall it is tho it could be male or possibly not enough light.
what lights are you using?


Well-Known Member
plant is too young to tell
seeing how tall it is tho it could be male or possibly not enough light.
what lights are you using?
no chance, its streched cuz it needs light

im guessing hes using an incandescent, a cfl thats too far away or the window


seems like that....deffinetely reaching for the light.
remember, if it grows too tall too fast it wont be strong enough to support itself. and possibly die! :(
good idea to bury it up a little more


Active Member
everyone told me when mine did that, i need more light and it has to be closer, but good luck with it and i don't think you will be able to tell the sex till you get close to flowering


Well-Known Member
plant is too young to tell
seeing how tall it is tho it could be male or possibly not enough light.
what lights are you using?


Could be male? Ya, I suppose it could be..
It could rain next week too.

You have to flower your plant to determine sex.

yaa man. ur not even gonna have to worry about sex unless u change ur lighting. the plant stretches when its not getting enough light. the stretching is seen by the long stem. if u are using incandescants (regular light bulbs) u should stop, and go get urself a cfl spiral light, atleast 26 watt right now, more is better. if u are using cfls or florescents, move the light closer, real close, like an inch or 2 away. just not too hot that it would burn ur hand the same distance away.


Well-Known Member
no you don't
Yes. You do.

Even if you're talking about's not accurate and therefore not a valid form of determining sex.

Here.. pick a result and read it.

My favorite result though explained it nicely from a RIU member..

"Preflowers, as opposed to full blown flowers, generally appear after the fourth week of vegetative growth from seed. Check carefully above the fourth node. Please note that preflowers are very small and and almost impossible to differentiate without magnification. A photographer's 10x loupe is handy indeed when examining preflowers.

Frequently, the female preflowers do not show pistils until well after the preflowers have emerged. Thus, don't yank a plant because it has no pistils. Pistillate preflowers are located at the node between the stipule and emerging branch.

Also, some female preflowers never produce pistils. A female preflower without pistils is difficult to distinguish from a male preflower. Thus, hermaphodite issues should not be resolved by the appearance of preflowers, without pistils, on a plant otherwise believed to be a female."

Hmm.. seems to me that if it's unreliable as to outcome.. it's not a method...BUT forcing into flower IS the trusted way to determine sex with accuracy.